Example sentences of "[prep] what i did " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , after what I did ter that silly ole goat at the sawmills the coppers might fink I 'm a villain an' try ter get the ole boy ter say I was there .
2 Yeah well it was the , it was a week ago so it 's not what I did to it , it would n't stay soggy after what I did to it .
3 The Act does not help the legal standing of what I did .
4 ‘ You know nothing of what I did . ’
5 ‘ I pay respect to his brilliance and subtle astuteness but I am proud of what I did .
6 When I think of what I did
7 Erm well in in the context of what I did say yesterday it 'll come as no great surprise to anyone that like Ryedale we also accept the North Yorkshire County County figures , erm which in short we we find are based on reasonable assumptions and and and an appropriate methodology , compared to some of the more extreme interpretations and projections that have that have been put forward , if I can illustrate that point by reference to er potential building rates , that the highest figure that 's been suggested is the one put forward by Mr Grigson , of Barton Willmore , I 'm talking for the moment about Greater York generally , and I 'll come onto the Selby aspect in a minute .
8 Because , I suddenly , oh that was even funnier because I was I suddenly went Angie I think we 've got a leak , and it was like all on the , all in my windowsill and sort of like came down and then , luckily , she said she only realized because of what I did last year , leaving my sink on , that it goes through the floor , otherwise , none of what , we would n't have realized .
9 ‘ Ray told me never to lose my individuality , always to believe in what I did best .
10 I 'm more interested now in what I did n't do .
11 ‘ There was nothing really wrong in what I did , Ben . ’
12 For just running away from what I did n't like , instead of trying to change it .
13 Previous to my arrival in Sydney , I was at a stage of uncertainty as to what I did and did not believe .
14 At first , I closed my ears to what I did not want to hear .
15 See , if it depended on what I did , if it depended on how good I was , on how ru righteous I am , well , I am righteous in Christ !
16 Erm I thought I 'd tell you a bit about what I did apart from medicine .
17 What did dad say about what I did with Alec ?
18 I would leave this drab and unhappy employment in St Andrew 's House — for what I did not yet know .
19 ‘ I do n't know what to say , ’ Farmer Bolsover said to Brownie Owl , ‘ except that I am very sorry for what I did say about the Brownies , especially about the Brownie who climbed my apple-tree for her budgie .
20 I can look for reasons for what I did and call those reasons excuses ; what he did to Alice , how he bullied Mother , how I hated him .
21 ‘ If you are grateful to me for what I did in my childhood , I hope you have improved your way of life now .
22 " If my father decides to beat me for what I did , " he whispered fiercely to himself , " please help me to endure the pain and not to cry .
23 ‘ Miss Tildy , ’ he said , ‘ I want to say that I 'm sorry for what I did to you a few days ago .
24 For what I did was on the King 's instructions . ’
25 ‘ She was only paying me back for what I did for her , and she should have gone on paying me back . ’
26 Right er well I think I 've probably finished apologizing for what I did
27 He told Newcastle magistrates : ‘ I 'm sorry for what I did .
28 But remember I 'm a writer , and there 's a lot of difference between what I did in the '70s and what so many of them did . ’
29 Yesterday , Fairlie confirmed that her disappearance had occurred exactly a year before Joanna 's , and added : ‘ The coincidences between what I did and this affair in England are far too great to dismiss . ’
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