Example sentences of "[prep] what might [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Court did not however think that it fell so far below what might properly be imposed by way of sentence so as to justify the Court in interfering so as to increase the sentence .
2 He could also have taken into account , if he was aware of it , that the effect of requiring an undertaking in damages from the council would be to cause the collapse of the law enforcement process in this area of law ; and further that the enforcement of the law was not merely desirable as such in the public interest , but that small retailers could well suffer if large retailers such as Wickes were able to continue to trade with impunity during a significant period in contravention of what might well prove to be a perfectly valid law .
3 The accounts which local sign theorists have given of what might loosely be called the ‘ experience ’ of localisation have , in the main , been variations on three themes .
4 In terms of the question of what might usefully be compared , typologies are very important in comparative analysis .
5 There is a bitter twist of irony in these last lines which completely changes the complexion of what might before have been viewed as a sentimental poem .
6 Both writing and speech require context to make sense of what might formally be ambiguous .
7 Throughout her long seduction in city streets , Clarissa 's mind returns continually to her Dairy House , both as an image of what might still be , but also of what was — her virginal nature .
8 One of the very first of them was Rossini 's Elisabetta Regina d'Inghilterra , which revolves around a real enough subject : the execution of what might now be called political prisoners .
9 He landed in a heap of what might once have been straw .
10 While it lasts , of course , it 's both ecstasy and agony : totally obsessive — every waking moment — and some dreaming ones — full of him and her ; delightful fantasies of what might perhaps be the actual realisation of some of those fantasies .
11 It was dispiriting to live with such an example of what might conceivably happen to us .
12 The words ‘ obligation ’ and ‘ right ’ provide no analysis of what might actually occur within the relationships between the parties and between the parties and non-parties , or of the chain of action and response that is likely to unwind from the conclusion and subsequent performance of any treaty .
13 It is unfortunate that the CACs were seen as a political football and they provide an interesting indication of what might possibly happen were all legal services to be funded from local or central government .
14 Standard hierarchical models , however , allow too little interaction between the knowledge sources : within a strictly hierarchical system , one can not interleave the processes associated with each different level of knowledge , and hence one can not allow the very early filtering out by higher-level components of what might only be partial analyses at lower levels .
15 They may shade off into what might more appropriately be called ethnocentrism , where ethnic groups are defined primarily in cultural terms and are regarded as having essential traits .
16 the question arises whether , in relation to any particular post , there is adequate potential to meet the needs of the firm , so notwithstanding what might otherwise be a desirable policy of providing career opportunities , this issue needs to be looked at closely .
17 But suddenly there was something of a puff of smoke and I found myself standing all alone in the alleyway with what might well be metaphorical egg all over my kisser .
18 I now see that between 1958 and 1977 I was involved in what might well be described as a social drama of movement , often crossing boundaries into very marginal areas of policing , where the institutional ideal of ordered definition fails simply because the ‘ use of power and exercise of authority are based in ambiguity and particular interpretations of [ what is often ] poorly framed legislation ’ ( Burton 1980 ) .
19 ‘ My client wants you to kill someone on Level 121 , ’ he said , low , even though the bartender and anyone else in what might possibly be earshot were making it obvious they were n't listening .
20 In what might conceivably have been the last chance of a diplomatic settlement , with the encouraging or surreal touches of a personally popular Ho walking up the Champs Elysees to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and standing beside Bidault on the Fourteenth of July , these were the fundamental issues .
21 For as long as a Stephen , in his moments of strength , has been able to despise the arbiters of fortune and culture — the English and the Anglo Irish — as degenerate and unworthy inheritors of the language of Shakespeare , he has done so from somewhere , from a somewhere intimately known , and yet never entirely placed , from what might loosely be called Irishness .
22 This makes the book an easy introduction to what might otherwise to a frustrating branch of photography .
23 Writing is included because , particularly at the later phases of primary schooling , curriculum guidelines are rare , and it remains unclear as to what might reasonably be expected of children once they have mastered putting words onto paper .
24 It is , however , possible to point to what might well be regarded as unreasonable and the parties to an agreement should always endeavour to check their provisions against such benchmarks .
25 Where in the 1930s the mother was given solemn warnings as to what would happen if she disobeyed the rules , the mode now is to refer her , with continual reassurances however , to what might possibly result from some mistaken handlings : ‘ Here 's what happens once in a while when the needs of the child are n't recognized ’ ( Spock , 1946 , chapter on ‘ The Two Year Old ’ ) .
26 We only have theories as to what might really be involved .
27 The danger about it all is that Mains and his lieutenants , Peter Thorburn and Earle Kirton , have based their selection plans and playing philosophies on what might later be regarded as insecure grounds .
28 Nevertheless , observers on what might broadly be called the left were generally very much opposed to the creation of enterprise zones ( Anderson , 1980 ; Massey , 1982 ) .
29 In Leeds , local councillors have been sheepish about releasing plans to local people for what might just prove to be one of the most inspired and humane post-war city centre redevelopments masterminded by the architects Terry Farrell and Rob Krier for the Dutch developer MAB .
30 Then , with the Czech serving for what might well have been a decisive two set lead .
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