Example sentences of "[prep] all [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tomorrow it will be buried in the cemetery of All Hallows church . ’
2 Marsh notes that some 90 per cent of all rights issues during this period were underwritten and that apart from the principal underwriter ( usually the organizing merchant bank ) there were invariably 100–200 sub-underwriters .
3 Laud , who was Visitor of All Souls College , Oxford , had him made a Fellow there , overruling the objections of the Warden of the College , Gilbert Sheldon , that he was disqualified by being too young and held only a degree from Cambridge .
4 Heath was determined to broaden the range of experience and attitudes represented on the group and added Ian Trethowan , then a political commentator for the BBC ; Beryl Cooper , a barrister ; Timothy Raison , Editor of New Society ; Dr Bryan Wilson , an Oxford sociologist and Fellow of All Souls College ; and Dr William Belson from the London School of Economics .
5 The middle son was Benedict Humphrey Sumner [ q.v. ] , warden of All Souls College , Oxford .
6 He first became director of education , Tonga ( 1916–19 ) , and thereafter held professorships in Cape Town ( 1921–5 ) , Sydney ( 1926–31 ) , Chicago ( 1931–7 ) with Yenching University in China ( 1935 ) , and Oxford ( 1937–46 ) with a fellowship of All Souls College and a wartime secondment to Sao Paulo .
7 Smith suffered periodically from gout — in 1720 he wrote that the drawing of a sketch ‘ at this time has occasioned me to make many a wry face by reason I could neither sit nor stand to do it ’ — and in his later years he put on weight : ‘ It is unlucky that Mr. Smith is grown so unweildy , ’ commented Dr George Clarke [ q.v. ] of All Souls College , Oxford , in 1730 .
8 He lived in Catte Street , approximately on the present site of All Souls College chapel , within the area around St Mary 's church where the Oxford book trade was concentrated .
9 He succeeded his former master as surveyor to the estates of All Souls College , Oxford , and continued in the college 's employment until 1605 .
10 It will be held in conjunction with a fellowship of All Souls College .
11 The professor will be a Fellow of All Souls College .
12 The books of John Sparrow , deceased warden of All Souls College Oxford , will likely fetch quarter of a million pounds at auction .
13 At the April 8 meeting it was also agreed that France , the UK and Belgium ( currently a non-permanent UN Security Council member ) would press for the UN to establish a register of all arms sales .
14 This axiomatising process was carried further in the 1920s and 1930s by Emmy Noether , the greatest of all women algebraists .
15 Previous issues from November 1990 to the last edition show that the major features have been on Gabby and Steffi , Zvereva and Martina and Monica , Capriati and Monica , Anke , Jana Novotna and Arantxa respectively , evidence of a fair and even representation of all women players by Tennis World .
16 Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in Leicester almost a third of all women workers and almost 20 per cent .
17 Conference , I accept this award on behalf of all women activists within my union because , sisters , we know it 's not always easy for women , however , I 'm here to prove that we can achieve , but we need the encouragement and support of our male colleagues .
18 Over in Italy , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA is less directly affected by the abrupt change in status of all things IBM — it only markets Hitachi 's plug-compatible mainframes , but it has so many other problems that that is little compensation .
19 Mr Arrica rubbishes this view because he comprehends the essential decency of all things English , a truth revealed to him in the form of a Burberry raincoat bought from George Best 's Manchester boutique circa 1965 .
20 Should it produce the rounded man , versed in life 's rich mysteries , yet having an awareness of his responsibilities to his craft , or should it procreate the technical expert whose knowledge of all things professional is without equal ?
21 So for any Leeds fans with access to this technological miracle , the ideal solution to terminal boredom is the new electronic mailing list devoted to the discussion of all things Leeds .
22 The total value of all drugs seizures topped a record figure of £116,000,000 .
23 For women of all ages breast cancer and cancer of the cervix account for 18 per cent of cancer deaths .
24 His office , in a small building adjoining the church , was always open , and children of all ages cam in and out without asking .
25 Teaching aids are therefore valuable for students of all ages ana experience .
26 The following table is a record of all limited-overs internationals since but not including the 1987 World Cup .
27 Written exchanges with source markers omitted are thus a good example of the way in which the disembedded nature of all texts converts what might be an easy comprehension task into a difficult one .
28 The meeting was attended by the heads of state of all CIS members bar Turkmenistan ( represented by the chair of the Supreme Soviet ) and Azerbaijan ( represented by a State Secretary ) .
29 There were calls from Russian military leaders for the withdrawal of all CIS troops from the Transcaucasus region .
30 Of all exercises walking is the best
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