Example sentences of "[prep] say that [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is our way of saying that every guest is important , ’ he says .
2 He became ill , and eventually died from ‘ a twisted bowel ’ , which frequently is another way of saying that a horse died from psychological stress .
3 That old smarty pants Dr Samuel Johnson was fond of saying that a woman preaching was like a dog standing on hind legs — it was not done well but it was surprising to find it done at all .
4 Instead of saying that a person feels a pain in his foot it might be less misleading to say that he has an in-the-foot pain .
5 Like ‘ excessive profit ’ , ‘ over-priced ’ is merely another way of saying that a market is failing .
6 Perhaps this is a way of saying that no one is immune from the feelings of attraction towards being merged in a group , or in a commune , a nation , a religious community , a political movement .
7 That is rather a ponderous way of saying that no one in his right mind doubts the truth of my assertion about the states in which Bill will be found , because there are two of them and he must be in one or the other .
8 There may be readers who object that the novel makes a mystique of darkness and futility in the course of saying that the whole island is peripheral , arrested .
9 It 's safe to say that every child in every culture will go through a period of saying that the pencil which has been moved up is now longer or bigger or big now .
10 Which is another way of saying that the value of Blissing Out only really arrives when you choose to break back in .
11 A way of saying that the sail can use full or half length battens .
12 Tuttle stopped short of saying that the Laetoli footprints were Homo — fossil remains of the same age were needed at Laetoli , he said .
13 Little has been written on the subject since then , but one may infer from the few remarks that are made on it that psychologists are no longer so impressed by ‘ the insuperable logical difficulty ’ James believed there to be in the way of saying that the difference between sensations may be one of ‘ place pure and simple ’ .
14 No great skill or intellectual effort is required , which is one way of saying that the human operator is being under-used , but the purpose of a routine is usually to avoid common human error such as omitting a step or reversing steps .
15 It also made a point of saying that the chips would enable personal computer applications reach their full potential under Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT .
16 We shall assume ( Fig. 2.6 ) that the vectors drawn from any point charge to point P are all parallel to the vector r0 drawn from an arbitrarily chosen origin inside ( just another way of saying that the point P is far away ) .
17 A craving for sweet foods can be the body 's way of saying that the blood glucose level is low .
18 Bryce 's alternative , the idea of a common-law constitution , is perhaps another way of saying that the British ‘ constitution ’ just grew , as the common law itself .
19 Some people try to use the escape hatch of saying that the problem is a religious one , but it is not , although there are substantial religious overtones .
20 My impression is that the old trick of saying that the cigarettes are for one 's mother or older brother still works 99.99 per cent .
21 Right , so this is if we incorporate expectations in our model of supply response alright , so instead of saying that the the desired level of supply instead of saying that , we say it 's actually this right , if we actually incorporate expectations specifically alright , then we get a supply response model alright , like this and our hypothesis , y'know cos we do n't know how expectations are formed , right , economics ca n't tell us anything about how expectations are formed are they rational , are they naive , are they adaptive , who knows , nobody knows alright .
22 Certainly in our meetings with the with the presentations we get from the trustees every year about the fund , we meet the trustees , we have n't er any erm real worry of saying that the pension trust has n't operated , because I think our the trustees of those two funds are much more independent than the Maxwell ones er were .
23 Yet blaming Mr Murdoch 's problems on two deals is like saying that the only sin of David Gower , England 's most gifted cricketer , is flashing at balls outside the off-stump .
24 I suppose that the traditional interpretation of this text would be like saying that the beginning of worry or the beginning of anxiety is the end of faith .
25 In this sense there is nothing wrong with saying that a body has both the ( legal ) power and a ( legal ) duty to do X because , of course , if a body by law must do X , then it is legally entitled to do X. Secondly , we need to distinguish between legal powers and what we might call ‘ de facto ’ powers .
26 If A claims the ownership of land by reason of B 's bequest or sale to him , this only raises the question , On what is B 's ownership based ? and ultimately we shall have to rest content with saying that the root of A's title is the possession of some predecessor , X. Such evidence , however , is not conclusive .
27 To suggest , as do other countries in the European Community , and the Commission itself , that there could be maximum daily doses of individual tablets prescribed , is not incompatible with saying that the products will continue to be freely available to all those who wish to use them .
28 I believe that the Secretary of State was credited with saying that the Government would consider merging the two at some stage .
29 To suppose that we have to choose between mentalism and behaviourism is like saying that we have to choose between saying that the words ‘ trump ’ and ‘ revoke ’ designate feelings of triumph and embarrassment , and saying that they designate triumphant and embarrassed behaviour .
30 It will be observed that in those cases there was no statutory period after cessation of trade during which jurisdiction continued , and the court was therefore faced with a stark choice between saying that the jurisdiction ceased immediately active trade was suspended , or saying that it continued until the business had actually been wound up by payment of the debts .
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