Example sentences of "[prep] which [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 This is the tone about which least needs to be said , and which is usually regarded as more or less ‘ neutral ’ .
2 Phonemically , plea is represented as which also embeds the lexical item lee , phonemically .
3 This comprises the process of levelling , which involves the loss of marked and/or minority variants ; and the process of simplification , by means of which even minority forms may be the ones to survive if they are linguistically simpler , in the technical sense , and through which even forms and distinctions present in all the contributory dialects may be lost .
4 When we form the Government — whether it is in April or May , we do not yet know — we shall hold the conference to reach the consensus , the potential for which already exists .
5 I 've got a small networking job which needs doing quickly in Dr Pankhurst 's room — basically it 's to network in two additional PCs , one of which already has a network card .
6 The drying of the hydroxyls , each of which normally has a shell of water molecules around it , leads to the shrinkage of materials like wood .
7 Gradually the business declined , but the mid-1980s saw a dramatic change of use when it was substantially renovated and converted into a restaurant , care being taken to retain the two undershot water wheels and much of the machinery , some of which reputedly dates from the late 18th century .
8 This figure shows the drivechart for the program JANEPLUS , which aims to introduce pupils to the idea of mathematical functions by displaying named figures , each of which either adds or multiplies by a particular small whole number which number the pupils must discover by trial , hypothesis and check .
9 As far as public international law is concerned , the member states in question refer above all to the Geneva Convention of 29 April 1958 on the High Seas , article 5(1) of which expressly recognises the right of each state to fix ‘ the conditions for the grant of its nationality to ships , for the registration of ships in its territory , and for the right to fly its flag . ’
10 There , the coal bearing Carboniferous has been covered later on by Mesozoic and Cainozoic sediments , the thickness of which generally increases to the north .
11 All of which rather spoils the dramatic point of the rest of the film .
12 All of which rather spoils the dramatic point of the rest of the film .
13 However , these come in various forms , only one of which strictly involves financial intermediation .
14 In view of this complementary relationship of grammar and lexis , it is not surprising to find that there are units of meaning which are intermediary between lexical words and grammatical structures , the existence of which again indicates that there is a continuum between these levels of language .
15 The Soup Kitchen , the existence of which also surprises many people , is run from the old Franciscan refectory in Cuppin Street , says Father Dowling .
16 Each level consists of 20 short teaching units divided into three parts , each of which conveniently provides you with the material for a 45–50 minute lesson .
17 Sometimes the whole body of the fish is banded with vertical marks , one of which conveniently blots out the real eye .
18 These entries are reminiscent of the leases mentioned in some probate inventories , the wording of which occasionally implies that they were valued on the basis of the number of years they still had to run , calculated perhaps as a proportion of the original fines .
19 ( g ) The notes are also useful for the preparation of any report on title that may be required for your client 's bank , building society or other mortgagee , the form of which sometimes requires you to state the last purchase price , etc. ( h ) Your notes on title will help you deal with any possible requisitions by the Land Registry and will also indicate at a glance deeds containing restrictive covenants , easements or plans , which should be retained after registration as giving fuller information and exact wording on matters of possible dispute .
20 All of which inevitably makes you more forward-looking .
21 None of which really helps us to make up our minds .
22 There is now a considerable literature on the public schools , none of which unfortunately comes to grips with what seems , with respect to the subject of this book , to be perhaps the central issue : the fact that for a hundred years , from the middle of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth , the British governing classes were educated in an atmosphere which combined the toleration of a merciless brutality with perpetual exhortations to be good .
23 G&G spent a good part of a decade — the Seventies — getting drunk , the memory of which still prompts a wistful smile from Gilbert , and they were habitués of the Blitz even before it became the early-Eighties club .
24 Hitler 's U-boat campaign , the memory of which still haunts decision-makers in the English countryside , nearly succeeded in blockading our coast .
25 It too was replaced by a larger stone station , part of which still stands beside the modern structure which succeeded it .
26 The heat also produced up to a kilogram of lethal dioxin , some of which still contaminates the surrounding area .
27 There has been much confusion here mainly because the SGA 1979 uses the words " condition " and " warranty " as technical expressions , the breach of which gives the right to treat the contract as at an end in the case of a condition ( s11(3) of SGA 1979 ) , or in the case of a subsidiary term like a warranty , the breach of which only sounds in damages ( s61(1) of SGA 1979 ) .
28 Mr Hetherington continues the cynicism in his match report , two thirds of which only rakes over the ashes of the Turnbull report .
29 Such information is required , for instance , to compare the success rates of two schools , one of which only enters those who are likely to pass , and another which allows anyone to enter .
30 The two countries in which the movement has taken root are Iraq and Syria , each of which now claims leadership of the movement on the pan-Arab level and dismisses all similar pretensions on the part of the other .
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