Example sentences of "[prep] which [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 But about half of US R and D was financed by the federal government , 80 per cent of which went for space and military purposes .
2 The former was the obvious clash between Britain 's need for exports to pay her way in the post-war world and the requirement of the rearmament programme , both of which competed for the same scarce skills and resources of the metal-working industries to the detriment of the export trade .
3 We propose that this daunting list of stages , each of which calls for different information skills , can only be satisfactorily incorporated in the school 's programme by a curriculum policy built around these skills .
4 The rector of Weston-Longville in Norfolk was well placed to appreciate the contrast between the six-figure income of Prinny at Carlton House , the building of which accounted for much of his debt , and the nine pounds annual wage he paid his servant Ben Leggatt .
5 This year the prize table was especially attractive and the wide variety of ‘ white elephants ’ presented quite a problem of which to choose for the higher scoring competitors .
6 The government has endorsed many of the Elton Committee 's recommendations , most of which call for action by schools and LEAs rather than central government .
7 The people and Government of Mexico take pride in supporting what came to be known as ‘ The Declaration Of Stockholm , ’ a key component of which called for declaring the 5th June World Environment Day .
8 The UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , had on Nov. 28 , 1989 , presented a report to the Security Council , Paragraph 41 of which called for priority to be given to the withdrawal of forces and release of PoWs .
9 Some half dozen new submarine cables have been laid annually since 1945 , the longest of which runs for 15,032km .
10 The UK has a system of stock exchange accounts , each of which lasts for two ( occasionally three ) weeks .
11 The most important social division ran between a dominant class based on the legal ownership of industrial and commercial capital ( and sometimes having little to do with either management or labour ) and a population most of which worked for wages .
12 But he was halted by a massive ‘ Corbett ’ and , putting a cheery face on it , he went towards the door behind which waited for him , looking indeed the spit image of Aunt Glegg in The Mill on the Floss , his mother .
13 Might the roots of this crisis lie , not among the victims of poverty who are now being blamed , but in the political priorities which devote our wealth to the destruction of life , and leave nothing over with which to care for the economic casualties of Thatcherism and Majorism ?
14 The problem was to find exports with which to pay for it ; English woollens and iron products were not luxurious enough for the ruling class in India and were far too expensive for the vast majority of the population .
15 Heavily in debt to certain members of his nobility and to routier captains , and let down by his Castilian ally , he had had to seek the financial resources with which to pay for his Spanish expedition .
16 A similar result was avoided in The Lisboa where the clause was so widely drawn as to suggest that even proceedings for execution of the award were prohibited ; as such an interpretation would lead to the clause being null and void by virtue of section 8 of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924 , the Court of Appeal adopted a more limited interpretation under which proceeds for execution or to obtain security , including security by means of a Mareva injunction , were allowed .
17 Of course , if one envisages the nationalisation of all the major enterprises ( ‘ top monopolies ’ ) , then the problem becomes internalised within the ‘ public sector ’ , but two points here : first , the present discussion is predicated on the hypothesis that there is a fruitful ideological space within which to argue for socialist investment planning — it does not depend on the ( counterfactual ) proposition that there is wide popular support for sweeping nationalisation of enterprises .
18 ‘ Community ’ and informal care therefore provide appropriate contexts within which to argue for the value of women 's unpaid caring work to be recognised , as Land ( 1991 ) and Ungerson ( 1990 ) have recently done .
19 Of course , those who provide such care in the context of a lifetime of love have another frame of reference upon which to draw for satisfaction .
20 From Dutch historian Gustav Renier I derived the formulation that history is a social necessity : in face of government philistinism and the fantasies of cultural theory , this , I believe , is the bedrock upon which claims for a proper respect for historical study should be founded .
21 The empirical requirement is to seek , evaluate and make explicit the evidence upon which claims for particular ideas and practices advocated as policy are based .
22 A country in which respect for law and order takes second place to the problems of some illiterate chocco . ’
23 In this kind of analysis the firm is often represented as a family in which respect for male elders is expressed by using seniority as the least disruptive and most predictable basis for internal promotion .
24 Such theories also opened up other fields in which to search for inspiration .
25 Many women use the Family Allowance book as a way in which to save for more expensive essential items .
26 By the early 1790s the argument was conducted in an atmosphere in which projects for reform were presented by their enemies as tantamount to a threat to stability and the preservation of civilised life in Britain .
28 Working for Virgin was fun , in a way in which working for a large , anonymous corporation such as EMI or CBS could never be .
29 His analysis ( Garland 1985b , p. 32 ) concludes that ‘ the constraints of legal principle and political ideology ’ produced a system aimed at ‘ uniformity , equality of treatment and proportionality ’ in which concerns for individual reformation played only a very minor part .
30 So erm I 've got a bit of time also in which to apply for a few things and go and see a few people erm
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