Example sentences of "[prep] we as well " in BNC.

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1 But it does , and the remedy lies partly in the hands of each one of us as well as in the hands of governments and large industries throughout the world .
2 This had so infuriated Moustaine that he had decided to punish them , which meant the rest of us as well .
3 And then there 's another housing estate over the other side of us as well .
4 ‘ There is someone behind us as well , ’ she observed calmly .
5 Unfortunately , such knowledge of human behaviour works against us as well .
6 My auntie and uncle were with us as well , and it was awful , no one stuck up for me .
7 and er , we have two boys that do it with us as well and when they come out to youth clubs with us the girls and the boys that we go and speak to love having a male there
8 Can Huw have tea with us as well ? ’
9 He used to play with us as well .
10 These are all concerns central to our own current culture , and the essays help detail some of Shakespeare 's negotiations with us as well as the possible ‘ social energy ’ of his own era .
11 Good morning and he 's with us as well .
12 We urgently need funds to be able to respond effectively and to meet the increased demands being made on us as well as to maintain our existing work .
13 This applies to us as well , if in a more minor way .
14 The social structure of the society of the classroom seems to us as well adapted to be the nursery of crime as it is of ‘ good ’ behaviour .
15 So there 're examples in the area where if we do n't pull our socks up and and actually start working , then it could happen to us as well .
16 Of course , the Irish Government give us considerable co-operation , but in all these affairs — this applies to us as well — we can be still more effective than we are .
17 Five districts have erm prepared some of vision in order to share that vision or that example of what is happening in the districts , relating to the ministry erm with the and those who have come to us as well .
18 they have different sort of rolls to us as well do n't they ?
19 And that was very special to them , but also special to us as well .
20 We liked the stuff he was doing and he really started to develop an image for us as well .
21 She says : ‘ When I went to arrange the AA insurance for the car they offered me a policy for us as well and , thank goodness , I decided to take it . ’
22 " Is it going to be for us as well as about us ? " she asked .
23 The domino effect can work for us as well as against us if we play our cards right .
24 So that is a community place for us as well and that is the only place we can , where we can learn about religion other place because this is a foreign country wi who has got a different religion than we are and there is no other institution will , which will ever mention any of the reading apart from which is So it has played a very important part .
25 And if you are conscious of how your life does n't match the ideals in each of these areas , just as I am aware that mine falls short , then there is a message here for us as well .
26 So erm N T is significant to Sequent and to Digital and they 're target platforms for us as well .
27 Ensure a brighter f future for us as well as them .
28 You see it makes it easier for us as well because it means that if you do if you are there we can leave you in charge for ten minutes while
29 ‘ And with all those nuclear weapons around , that would be very dangerous for us as well . ’
30 We told them how our oldest member , 91-year-old Mr. Hunt , takes unfailing care of our security , and sits at the hub of the affair providing a whole intelligence service for us as well .
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