Example sentences of "[prep] they [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Without even knowing it , we may make assumptions about them based on the fact that they 're called Charles rather than Kevin .
2 There was a closeness about them borne of familiarity .
3 This situation would be the phenomenalist 's ideal ; all such non-observation statements would be strongly verifiable , and sceptical doubts about them shown to be impossible .
4 Applying Kirchhoff 's current law to node S of the inverting configuration and assuming that the input impedance between the inverting and noninverting terminals of the operational amplifier is high enough to neglect current through them compared with that through Z 1 and Z 2 Consequently provided that A is large enough With respect to the noninverting configuration of figure 10.9(b) , neglecting the current through the inverting terminal of the operational amplifier again compared with that through Z 1 and Z 2 so that if A is large enough
5 The world of nature was for them constructed on a mathematical plan , things were generated from numbers an idea to whose mystical overtones Aristotle objected .
6 Roman 's eyes followed the movement , his eyes darkened , and the tension between them increased to danger point .
7 Export-led growth will — if it works — be boosted by a tariff-cutting programme due to start in June ; after Brazil and Argentina began gingerly reducing their tariffs in 1987 , trade between them increased from $1.35 billion that year to $2 billion in 1990 .
8 Spoiled and wilful she might be at times , but the emotional distance between them caused by the difference in their ages and their forced separation in childhood had slowly been closing over the past two years .
9 Corbett stared at him and looked away , the tension between them broken by the Pictish leader who took Thomas by the hand , like a child with a parent , and led him into the largest house , beckoning Corbett to follow them .
10 Not only have the boundaries between them shifted with time , but to abstract them from their historical contexts can lead to artificiality as well as anachronism .
11 It may well be a ‘ parody ’ : the eight songs attributable to Bedyngham are between them supplied with no fewer than twenty-six different texts in four languages ; three remain doubtful as to their form , but two are ballades and three rondeaux , forms well known and widely practised in England at the time .
12 Sensations rushed in : the cries of the traders in the street below them mixed with the screams of the swallows that swished low across the roofs ; the dark aroma of the strong coffee mingled with the fresh smell of the bread .
13 It was n't only steam locos on parade because all the internal combustion collection was out in the loop and sidings , most of them adorned with enthusiast cameras and tape measures on .
14 Some of them compensated by becoming highly independent in the end .
15 Instead he raised his talons and struck at the wire mesh in his own turn , which only provoked the other eagle to do the same again , the sounds of both of them increased by the flapping of their great wings and the crashing of their beaks on the cage walls as they vainly tried to get at each other .
16 Between stood the seven T'ang and their retainers , all of them dressed in white , the colour of mourning .
17 There were two girls and a boy , all of them dressed in sparkling white clothes .
18 It was only then she saw what she should have noticed immediately : a bunch of keys with one stuck in the lock , many of them hung with labels .
19 In 1954 , for example , one of them called for a majority of Africans to be on the unofficial , i.e. representative , benches of the legislative council within three years and for self-government within twenty to twenty-five years .
20 The trouble was , there were too many of them packed into this room .
21 Its contents were still very much in doubt when Cottle reached Alfoxden ; but before his visit ended the famous title had been chosen , and the decision made that the volume should begin with ‘ The Ancient Mariner ’ and include ‘ sundry shorter poems ’ of Wordsworth 's , most of them written since the beginning of the year .
22 It is appropriate , then , that Ali has been the subject of a great number of pieces in Esquire , most of them written by undisputed literary heavyweights , including Irwin Shaw and Norman Mailer among others .
23 These prefaces , most of them written by Charles Malherbe , are seldom fewer than 70 pages long and often more than 140 .
24 Let us take two parallel conducting plates in a vacuum , one of them endowed with the property that it is capable of emitting electrons .
25 The first was a heap of glass bottles and flasks , all of them covered with dust and cobwebs .
26 The yew trees grew densely , some of them covered with ivy that rustled and rattled .
27 The Old Red Sandstone of Scotland was particularly rich in the remains of strange fish , many of them covered with a kind of bony armour-plating .
28 Mexico contains many active volcanoes , a quantity of them burdened with tortuous Aztec names such as the well-known Popocatepetl .
29 The staff were effectively divided into two tiers , with a third of them trained into the advice-giving role of financial consultants while the remainder , ‘ customer services representatives ’ , resumed the agent role of collecting premiums and other basic services .
30 Ludwig Wittgenstein , we are told , left a collection of fragments in a box-file , most of them cut from typescripts dictated from 1945 to 1948 .
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