Example sentences of "[prep] that there be " in BNC.

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1 In recent years interviews by telephone have become popular with some commercial research firms , but to some respondents this approach must seem rather intrusive and slightly dubious in that there is no way of properly checking the credentials of the telephone caller .
2 Certainly we already know that both weak and electromagnetic interactions affect all atoms and molecules in that there is a small intrinsic left-handedness in all matter .
3 Typically , these objectives will conflict in that there is no feasible solution which simultaneously maximises them all .
4 Palatine consider themselves to be good employers , though their attitudes and practices might be thought to be slightly old-fashioned and paternalistic in that there is no measure of staff performance or formal mechanisms or procedures for staff management .
5 ‘ Boom Boom ’ , the LP , differs from the last two parts of the John Lee comeback ( ‘ The Healer ’ and ‘ Mr Lucky ’ ) in that there is n't such a staggering amount of extras and celebrities blamming away in the background .
6 ‘ The painting has no value ’ , commented Giovanna Nepi Sciré , Venice 's Soprintendente for Beni artistici , ‘ in that there is no other picture on the market like this one ’ .
7 This is doubly difficult in that there is much overlap in terminology and concepts and specialists are not consistent with each other in the use of these new terms .
8 The seven-year period is not totally inflexible , in that there is taper relief : in other words , a tapering rate of tax , according to how close to the seven-year limit the death of the donor occurred .
9 This creates a problem in that there is no justification why a manager 's compensation package should be supplemented at the expense of the corporation or its shareholders .
10 Is a human being and his idea-thinking process like a healthy tree in that there is the stable main trunk with subsidiary branches that grow slowly and are added to through the years ?
11 Christmas gifts are very much personal gifts in that there is no need to send them to everyone on your lists .
12 Taking the Side of the Other is different in that there is not a reversal of the past position , provoked by new , persuasive information .
13 Some materials , such as stone or wood , are largely subtractive , in that there is a natural substance from which parts are taken away , through chipping , sawing and other means , to create the finished artefact ; while others , such as cast metal or clay , are additive , in that a quantity is utilized in a plastic state which can take the shape of a template or mould .
14 But there is one ‘ break ’ in the continuum , in that there is a relatively sharp rise in the proportion of ‘ working class ’ identifiers when we reach the ‘ manual ’ occupational categories .
15 The mother says that it was not a wrongful removal and that , even if it was , she has a defence under article 13 in that there is a grave risk that the return of the child would expose him to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place him in an intolerable situation .
16 This is usually termed dynamic hashing ; a particularly useful review of these techniques is given by Sachs-Davies et al. , describing both extendible hashing , in which a set of buckets is referenced via a directory , and linear hashing , which is genuinely a direct technique in that there is no directory .
17 In a sense it is equivalent to a track in an ISAM file , in that there is one index entry per control interval .
18 Different attitudes to translation compared with the UK , in that there is a primary concern to recruit translators with a narrow specialism in line with company products .
19 However , the inside of the cell differs from the outside in that there is a high internal concentration of potassium and a low concentration of sodium .
20 The revised tenancies and those they replaced differ from the regulated tenancies under the 1977 Rent Act in that there is a weakening of security of tenure and other rights , and most rents will be set at market level .
21 But in that there is common ground with Psychiatry : people who believe that they themselves are God are generally considered to be insane .
22 In the more complicated case of Fig. 8–1c , the equilibrium is locally stable in that there is an interval around it such that the economy tends to converge ; but it is not globally stable .
23 There is an improvement to Ami Pro 's style sheets in that there is now a Viewer so that you can see what they look like before selecting one .
24 Although this example has been questioned , there could be ‘ shiftwork ’ in other examples — in that there is a segregation of animals between night and day .
25 Such a usage is still ultimately deictic , in that it makes reference to participant-role , but it is not directly place-deictic ( in that there is no anchorage to the location of the present speech event ) .
26 Erm , mental health referrals is partly demographic , partly social change , in that there is an expectation of dealing differently with people who have mental health problems , and there is also a very clear expectation of dealing differently with offenders who are leaving the , the prison system who have mental health problems , and there are pressures arising from both those areas , as well as the constant requirement for an enhanced provision on alcohol , substance abuse er , and , and similar factors .
27 ‘ Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep ’ is similar to ‘ Fahrenheit 451 ’ in that there is a sense of limited human contact .
28 Can I ask you before inviting you to speak to us in two or three minutes on this , say that the recommendation , in a sense I think it has been overtaken , in that there is now under fifteen a the very distinct possibility of a transfer of a very technical post from the pollution section by the end of the year .
29 But I do n't think reference has been made to a document that is referred to in P P G one , namely the doc the white paper , This Common Inheritance , er D O E document , and in that there 's a clear indication that this question of a new settlement erm should be considered , paragraph six point four eight reads , however well urban land is used , there will continue to be a need for building on greenfield sites , it is important that new housing on such sites is carefully placed to preserve the open countryside , and respects the quality of the landscape .
30 However , just to complicate things at a very early level , it 's often observed that agricultural products have what 's called a perverse supply response , in that there 's a negative relationship between prices and output .
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