Example sentences of "[prep] that [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 So you actually write down questions so much going on you ca n't be expected to remember everything and if you 've got just you know sort of questions written down the page like what is your name , it 's simple as that it gets you to do , what ?
2 He does n't see us as a part of a crowd , he does n't see us as a number on a computer , he does n't see us as numbers on a bank account , or in some other organizational er er er computer set up or whatever it is , he does n't just see us as that he sees us as individuals .
3 Now in the inside of that it opens out , there 's an opening in the bone and that leads down among other things into a tube down here , now that is connected up further down to the sinuses across
4 And because of that it has got gravitation and fields which is n't as big as the earth , it 's only about one sixth as big as the earth .
5 So er David you know them , I think I 'm letting the down really but when you do do it there wo n't be any , be any erm , oh I never thought of that he says
6 cos it was all fresh cos he was gon na get meat tomorrow and the following day , so I says to him I says well why did n't you use your cheque book ? , he says oh I never thought of that he says , cos it takes a few days to get it , he do n't know with a cheque book
7 I shall mar all of that he has made and foraged .
8 Well unfortunately a lot of that he 's got to stop you know .
9 I get her head and you know Beetlejuice when he goes I got ta show you it cos sometimes she 's , she 's not alert and when she 's like that it looks wicked cos he goes and her ears are like that she goes and I get her to play the banjo and she goes it 's wicked !
10 I 'm not really worried about it to be honest I 'm not worried about any of them , I thought I would actually be erm I 'm actually , we 're under a lot of pressure at the moment but I 'm not actually , usually when I 'm like that it 's all gone I tend to say well forget about it and you know run away from it kind of thing ,
11 I get her head and you know Beetlejuice when he goes I got ta show you it cos sometimes she 's , she 's not alert and when she 's like that it looks wicked cos he goes and her ears are like that she goes and I get her to play the banjo and she goes it 's wicked !
12 The term ‘ gouger ’ is flexible in that it refers to known criminals as well as others who look or act as if they have a potential for crime and trouble .
13 The meaning of a typical sentence in a natural language is complex in that it results from the combination of meanings which are in some sense simpler .
14 Here art orders our vision , deliberately interventionist in that it presents those uncertainties and anxieties of childhood where difference makes life a misery whilst providing poignant images for the artist .
15 Whereas the compulsory purchase order enquiry is fairly passive , relying on party initiative to inform the minister , the investigative enquiry is more active in that it seeks out information .
16 [ … ] In passing , it should be noted that the conceptual framework developed by Williamson claims to provide an explanation of organizational forms in general , in that it seeks to explain the circumstances in which a variety of institutional forms — including classical market contracts , non-standard market contracts , government regulatory agencies , and trades unions — have , in turn , a comparative advantage in the organization of resources .
17 There is an advantage to management too , in that it reduces the dependence of the machine on consistent human performance .
18 Kaprun is unique in that it offers summer skiing , along with a multitude of other activities .
19 This makes military research and development by far the most important scientific activity — important in numbers of scientists involved and money spent ; it is also the most important in that it threatens the annihilation of more people than any other human activity .
20 The above form is essentially objective , in that it relates to the objects of local government , e.g. education , health , highways , etc .
21 It will be aware of its master , in that it hears and smells him , and of its own exertions , in that it is awake , but it will not be aware that it recognises him , for this is of the order of tomorrow 's delayed return — a linguistic belief of which dumb brutes are incapable .
22 It is sometimes suggested that the absence of note-taking can be a help to the informant , in that it frees him from the inhibiting effects of a recorder and a notebook .
23 The title Chair is useful in that it separates the formal role from the person occupying it . )
24 Die Entführung is unlike any previous Singspiel , in that it represents a fusion of the technical resources of Italian opera seria with the homely tunefulness of the Singspiel .
25 It is impossible to predict when QT prolongation will be beneficial , in that it represents a prolongation of ventricular refractoriness , and when it will be harmful .
26 This is deliberate , in that it helps to identify key questions about support in families which need to be addressed in later chapters .
27 The notion of an internal lexicon is particularly powerful in that it helps to explain many of the phenomena associated with word recognition .
28 This activity is doubly advantageous in that it helps to meet the needs of the more elderly for a variety of services and also helps to give the younger elderly person a sense of usefulness , a strong interest and in some cases a degree of insight and preparation for the inevitable transition to a greater ageing that must be faced .
29 Simply formulating a title of some sort can be a useful achievement , in that it helps you decide how you want to focus your writing .
30 Moreover , the global index of either victimization or recorded offences can be misleading , in that it conceals quite large variations in the trends for specific offences .
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