Example sentences of "[prep] you [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The following , recommended by the Law Society , is now widely used : In consideration of you today completing the purchase of we hereby undertake forthwith to pay over to Building Society the money required to redeem the mortgage/legal charge dated and to forward the redeemed mortgage/legal charge to you as soon as it is received by us from the Building Society .
2 I 'm not leaving you here all alone , so it 's a case of you either coming with me , or of me staying here for the rest of the night and neither of us getting any rest .
3 Nice and easy for those of you just beginning to try your hand at intarsia and it 's not too difficult to work out the chart for yourself with the many aids available .
4 yeah I mean to be honest it 's just a case of one of you , it does go that way , I knew I was right the first time , of one of you just remembering
5 Fat chance of you even getting a council house nowadays . ’
6 And when your time was out there was no question of you not getting a journeyman 's wages you were you were paid that alright .
7 Did you all go swimming or were there a lot of you not going today ?
8 The Inland Revenue reckons there are one million of you not paying tax who should be paying — and eight million paying tax who should n't .
9 I 'm sorry , I know you think I 'm old-fashioned , but I ca n't bear the thought of you not marrying in church — not having God 's blessing upon the pair of you . ’
10 Despite most of you already having a shower , 80 per cent are planning to install a new shower in the near future .
11 Also , neither of you ever injecting drugs .
12 Erm and again I put erm things about putting details in the post although you , although you did try and overcome that one erm but you , you just could n't , you could n't get Steven to realize the benefit of you actually going round with the illustrations rather than you just sending it and you needed to get , to get the appointment out of him rather than because if he got the illustrations in the post he may never read them .
13 Now the chance of you actually needing a
14 You might be able to do the odd one but I do n't think that you 've got the time , I mean bear in mind you 've gone from four to three to two there 's two of you now supervising all of us if you tell me you 've got spare time then great , and you want to do one or two equally great , however unless you tell me to the contrary
15 I get sick of you always trying to tell me what to do .
16 For those of you currently looking after an ill or disabled relative , the Benefits Agency — the DSS to you and me — has issued a new leaflet .
17 By using the back heel placed on the centreline , pull the back of the board towards you thereby making it infinitely easier for the rig to pull you over the board .
18 Well I was worried about you not hearing me !
19 Do n't they worry about you not doing games ?
20 I 've heard about you not talking to Olivia for about two weeks .
21 She asked me to come round and I told her about you not showing up .
22 GUIL : But if he gave it to me there 's no reason why you should have had it in the first place , in which case I do n't see what all the fuss is about you not having it .
23 Next one I did not complete the survey not because people were away , if people were absent that 's not your fault , what reasons might there be for you not completing the survey , hands up
24 So the political commissar has got to convince you , you see , as to who was responsible for you not having a rifle .
25 Do you ever find that that makes life a bit difficult for you only recommending one company ?
26 ‘ I could go to see Lewis Watts , he was my dad 's apprentice for five years when I was a little sprout like you just learning the trade .
27 It 's like you not painting your house for years and waiting for the glass to fall out of the windows before you start … it 's not the way to do things
28 With you just getting rid of the flu , hardly
29 And all this started with you actually putting an undergraduate student on the project ?
30 I wish it could be always summer and autumn , with you always loving me ! ’
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