Example sentences of "[prep] i think [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She 's known all along — about me thinking she 's thick — .
2 So erm you know you , you , you I mean I 'm I N F J and so it 's alright for me to think I 've changed your thinking .
3 mean oh you 're talking about I thought you meant
4 Aye they , they belonged to about I think they came from .
5 those boxes of crackers are about I think they 're about fifteen pound a box and the three
6 The thing is you 've got to it 's it 's like Nigel , I mean , he works for my uncle erm and he had the other guy Mark working for him for a few years and then he employed Nigel , but Mark was n't a fully qualified plumber and Nigel was and he 's ooh I do n't know about I think he 's about nineteen or no he 's about twenty three I think , yeah
7 Knobs of I thought he was a squab knob
8 Well the grey come through and I was just sort of I thought I ca n't wait all those years with dark hair .
9 I do n't I thin I think there 's probably a lot lot less sexism just in terms of I think we 've won their respect by you know and and certainly when th they did n't want us to picket in the beginning , and then over the months really the women have done quite a lot of successful picketing when we 've been asked and and we 've staged quite big pickets quite a lot of you know the big pickets were really organized and the rallies have been organized by us and really sort of quite a lot of the input into into the strike I think has come from the women 's support group in in quite a unique way .
10 The other thing that tends to happen in post-olympic years is people look at rule books and different types of competition and there is a sort of atmosphere of I think we ought to change things .
11 It it helps chairman er I could refer to the survey that we did erm of I think it was six erm industrial estates or employment er estates around the district , and they vary from modern business parks which are mainly office type developments through to some traditional and trading type estates .
12 In fact , there , that that , that 's that printing of s , that shape of s , followed by a t , was still used by some printers right up until the twentieth century , because it 's actually , you know that when when prints , print was put together by hand , by picking up each letter erm , and as assembling it separately , there was actually always a stop letter , a stop erm , I ca n't remember what it 's called , although I did some printing years ago , erm , lump a die thing with s t already printed together , because because s t is used so much in combination , the erm , printer did n't always have to set up s followed by a t , but had a rack of s t's already prepared and they were often , virtually joined together in this way , and erm , I got , I got an edition of I think it 's the novels of Jane Austen printed in the nineteen twenties which still use that shape of s t but used as the small s for any other forms .
13 No , I 'm sort of I think he confused himself as well as confusing me slightly
14 At the age of I think he 's eighteen now .
15 sort of I think you 've got it now actually
16 I think it should be remembered that that public support actually was against a requirement of one thousand nine hundred dwellings , which is not quite the proposal being put forward by the County at the moment , but it is clear that there seems to me n not to be any public or great strength of public objection to the sort of proposals that are now before you in this enquiry , and it also seems to me that the reasons behind erm that that public support are essentially because it meets the first requirement of paragraph P P G thirty three , that the alternative expansion of existing towns or villages will represent a less satisfactory method of providing land for new housing that is needed , I think that is the essence of the public support , and so first of I think you can say that that 's that means that first criteria , and certainly it seems to meet the second automatically because it an expression of public preference .
17 Reasons for my dismissal were nothing like I think I deserved .
18 The case-officer assigned to deal with me thought it a gift from the gods — I could see that , though he did his best not to show it .
19 ‘ It was already here when we moved in and to start with I thought it would make the room seem too gloomy , but it 's grown on me and I really like it now , ’ says Mary Jane , who works part-time as a physiotherapist .
20 To begin with I thought I must force myself to be matter-of-fact , not let his abnormality take control of the situation .
21 I mean that 's the som that 's er an issue that er has been dealt with I think it 's policy resources can continue to be so in the coming years .
22 In a way I blamed her for it , and to start with I think I hated her .
23 But Fred was saying , er because , erm the dreadful thing was I could n't remember his name to start with I think I could try if I knew but I could n't remember what his christian name
24 But definitely they should er explore this County and not erm wanted to come into I think it was into the Estuary to drill for gold and minerals an all that , and the planning of the National Park said , No , and the blinking hole is only about four inches wide .
25 And we have never apart from I think we 've lost one spoon which was the since we started so er we do n't leave valuable things around but it 's an important consideration to think that our most valuable things are things it would take four large strong men to move
26 Then after him they had an , a fella come from I think he finished up as Pinn Mill Harbourmaster , whether they got one now I do n't know .
27 Erm I mean I I 've got from I think I 've certainly got Roger 's and and Norman 's erm stuff for
28 Erm colleagues who attended the Blackpool Conference last year will recall that there was , that we had a visit from a young boy called who was the son of one of our officers and that er was suffering from I think I recall a very severe form of leukaemia .
29 Again it 's an idea we took from I think it 's West End or various other departments .
30 Can I ask , i i this is I do n't know why I keep asking to work , erm can I write to Mrs to I think we we ought to as it
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