Example sentences of "[prep] i [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You said you 'd buy them off me straight away , you already owe me thirty quid , that 's fifty five
2 ‘ Will you go talk about me somewhere else ?
3 I had the feeling that Signe had n't dismissed Harvey 's words of caution about me as completely as she professed and I carefully refrained from asking about the parcel .
4 They called the film they made about me Too Long a Winter , and I have to declare immediately that I do not care for winter at all , for neither mind nor body agrees with it .
5 I do n't mind what people say about me any more .
6 " Mavis , dear , I do n't blame you , Just , please , do n't talk about me any more . "
7 My cover 's blown ; that woman 's ruined everything for me just as sure as if she was standing next to me dribbling down her front and complaining about ration books .
8 ‘ You did n't have to stand up for me just then , ’ she said steadily as soon as he had pulled out of the driveway .
9 We are loudly human all the way back as they light up for me just how far I had strayed .
10 I always wore clogs , and if an iron came off while I was cycling to town I could take it to him , go off somewhere like the pictures , and it would be ready and waiting for me straight afterwards .
11 ‘ They 'll do for me right enough then . ’
12 It 's too early for me right now — besides I 've got the best job in the world .
13 " But there are people who care for me here too , Lou .
14 Yeah I like to , I like to have a go at different things I mean the the the other the other lunchtime we had you know he came in at lunchtime and er Shirley had gone somewhere Ann and er I 'll have the chicken kiev for me please so so I went and did it did you cook that for him ?
15 Can I ask you to do something for me today please ?
16 ‘ I hope you 'll be riding for me again soon .
17 He might do for me very well .
18 I thought you might just have remembered that , seeing that you typing it out for me only yesterday . ’
19 no , just towels , good one , right whip it out for me then please , I 'll have to leave it there because some of this is , still out there , ta well that 's not bad , time wise
20 ‘ I do n't think a horse has ever quickened for me so well from the final flight . ’
21 Right I 'm convinced such a good breed and you very kindly rigged this Topper up for me so well you wo n't mind if I take it for a spin will you ?
22 ‘ C'est la guerre , ’ is not funny for me any more .
23 You do n't have enough time for me any more .
24 Oh it 's n cos it 's not like at work where things do n't go wrong at work for me any more .
25 Please do n't look for me any further .
26 Who would care for me half as well , eh ?
27 Do n't hang around school waiting for me ever again .
28 And if that was the case , would he not find a replacement for me quite easily ?
29 Only wych elm grew in the wood and it burned for me quite well when dry .
30 At the big house I met the Officer who had been looking for me earlier on .
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