Example sentences of "[prep] it [is] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And despite it 's nonsense lyrics that name-check Betty Boo , Mr Magoo and Major Tom , ‘ Going To Nepal ’ , a heady guitar/pop brew , was inspired by a real life experience .
2 The fact that IUD users are up to nine times more likely than non-users to contract a sterilising infection is enough to rule it out for large numbers of women , despite it 's reliability as a contraceptive device — if they are aware of the dangers , that is .
3 The River Jordan will then carry only some 200 million cu.m of water a year , a sixth of it 's flow 30 years ago .
4 Passing of a liquid through a membrane leaving part of it 's substance behind .
5 erm I think the real danger however is that over the next three four five years , erm people all over the world will get into the habit of regarding Britain as an impossibly expensive country to study in , because no other country in the world attempts to charge the full cost of it 's university education in tuition fees , and erm that gradually people will turn elsewhere .
6 It was the UK government 's refusal to accept the extension of this procedure that was the cause of it 's rejection of the Social Protocol .
7 And I think it is a great pity , that this council is losing some of it 's capacity to produce reports which are independent of the departments which are the most affected by them .
8 Still well I mean I know the majority of it 's wood and there 's three large windows in it , and a door and erm the roof is this erm stuff it 's just like er plastic moulding but it 's double glazed bloody oven in there !
9 Must be kind of it 's kind of unusual really
10 Welcome back:A new clinic … the first of it 's kind in Britain … is cutting hospital waiting lists so fast that it 's been described as a runaway success .
11 It 's the first foot clinic of it 's kind in the country , dealing with what 's now called podiatry , formerly chiropody ; bunions , ingrowing toenails , sports injuries and the like .
12 It 'll be the end of the only business of it 's kind .
13 The Ark is the only project of it 's kind in the region .
14 The RSPCA says it 's one of the worst cases of it 's kind .
15 In the first legal case of it 's kind in an English court , a man 's been accused of raping his wife .
16 my Lord the fifth point in relation to question three , C , we 've always understood this to be a threshold bond , we 've concentrated on the words capable in law in relation to section fourteen , there are two ways of viewing this and your Lordship will clearly have to take a view on whether er one or both of these is a proper issue under clause three , C one , first of all is , is , is section fourteen itself capable of restricting the competition , is it in itself a restriction of competition , well we took your Lordship the C B R case , the case of the commission in which an ouster clause was held to infringe article eighty five , because of it 's interrelationship with the other restrictions and so section fourteen is bad if the other restrictions are made out as a matter of competition law , that we say is a question of fact and we therefore answer that part of three C by saying it 's not capable in law
17 The supermarket 's suppliers Gulf Oil , based in Cheltenham , said it was reacting to a local situation and Tesco says the cut is part of it 's service to customers , denying it 's creating an artificially low price .
18 That has now decided that it will have one meeting of it 's council a year which will be it 's A G M , it has not for the moment elected an executive committee .
19 I mean it 's t a lot of it 's order taking and quoting
20 So it 's the , the most widely used supply response model in the entire universe , alright , and as a result of it 's popularity you have to learn it as well .
21 Half of it 's fiction .
22 I 'm not er a great fan of the monarchy , although that I would say that I come from a family which is , devoted a large portion of it 's life in service and work to the royal family .
23 Right , now , erm , were going to have it on the actual headings as far as the minutes concerned cos we did n't deal with anything very much last time , but the next item on the agenda erm , is usually campaigns and Amnesty erm usually has one or two or more campaigns running on a particular aspect of it 's work or a particular country and there was some that really started maybe two or three years ago and which have continued erm in a smaller form since that time .
24 An almost unquestioned belief in the street people had long been part of It 's rhetoric , with or without the romanticization of the drop-out , from Kerouac through to Emmett Grogan .
25 All it is , is the government and state washing it 's hands of it 's responsibility of , and of society as a whole is responsibility , is responsible for the children of society .
26 For a band now irritated by most dance music — ‘ most of it 's cack , I hate going into bars where they 've got it blaring out from everywhere , you ca n't hear yourself think ’ — and uncomfortable with the accoutrements of clubbing — ‘ I ca n't stand being under strobes no more , do me head in , make me lose my balance ’ — it was inevitable the Mondays would rake up their rock roots , ‘ mature ’ their sound and make a major musical transition .
27 in terms of it 's classification ?
28 It is nicknamed Southyork because of it 's resemblance to R J Ewing 's ranch , Southfork from the soap opera , Dallas !
29 From the moment of it 's birth , in fact poss er , even before it 's actual birth , not long after it 's conception , now that that babe has a will of it 's own , and it will exercise it and will use it .
30 But listings , plus music , plus music ads were the backbone of It 's success in that period .
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