Example sentences of "[prep] it [coord] if " in BNC.

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1 We 've had a good living out of it but if that same system has brought them on their feet , you know and built them nice homes er right they 've delved into Company 's House now , all the dirty water not dirty water all the whatsit has come up how much they 've drawn from these quarries .
2 Like , if he gets two you lose all of it but if he rolls a twelve you get your hundred pound back plus ten times that amount .
3 However an agent often holds no money or property for his principal unlike a trustee ; if he does receive money from or for his principal he is merely in a position of debtor to his principal in respect of it and if he receives goods he may hold them as bailee only ( see Lister v Stubbs [ 1890 ] 45 Ch 1 ) .
4 suet in it I think it 'll end up runny rather than with nothing inside of it and if you 've got unless you want one as large as that I thought to myself .
5 Money and effort that should have been devoted to supporting the ordinary people in Highfields has been wasted on power politics and I agree that it 's time surely to put an end to that disgrace now there is a certain logic in Mr amendment , it basically says let us put the implementation of council policy in the hands of the director of education , let him take executive control and let us take politics out of it and if I thought that that would do what both Mr and myself want to happen I would support .
6 Er , Chairman the , the only advice that I can give Dr on that point is to say that the county council is not letting them down er the funding for major road schemes is provided by central government and we make a contribution towards it but if central government do not give us permission to go ahead with the race road scheme in terms of a grant , then in fact it will not go ahead and in that situation they may be let down , that is their judgement and that should be reflected in the way they vote at parliamentary elections .
7 Some grow much better in damp places where the fish could nibble at them when they felt like it or if they needed to — in a similar way to a dog eating grass — and for much the same reason .
8 Exactly the same to make sure there 's nobody behind it and if there is they would be quickly located .
9 Years later she told me that she did not like that book , and I do not know if that were due to a momentary impatience with it or if ( as I hope it was not ) it was a permanent feeling of dissatisfaction , for it seems to me so beautiful .
10 Accordingly , the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a government exists as the government of a state are : ( a ) whether it is the constitutional government of the state ; ( b ) the degree , nature and stability of administrative control , if any , that it of itself exercises over the territory of the state ; ( c ) whether Her Majesty 's Government has any dealings with it and if so what is the nature of those dealings ; and ( d ) in marginal cases , the extent of international recognition that it has as the government of the state .
11 It 's only the Labour party who 's obstructed it so now they 're putting their name to this , they 're the ones who 've changed , they 're putting their name to something different and therefore they 're gon na have to live with it and if you look at it what have we got ?
12 The report is more interesting than by the member for South East Derbyshire er not that there 's much sex in it but if er er i it 's more interesting er sexual favours provided by B C C I officials to certain persons affiliated er with the firm .
13 Now er when we 'd done a waggon er it was n't just er right , that 's alright , er we had a railway examiner come along and er he 'd go round it and if there was anything as he was was n't satisfied with , or any other further repairs , he he 'd stop that waggon from going out , and er of course we had to go r go back and do it .
14 One almost has to wonder if this account has any element of truth to it or if it was some public relations yarn to spur interest in the film .
15 ‘ We now have this ludicrous situation where if a fire broke out in one end of a particular street in Prestatyn , Rhyl fire engines will go to it and if it breaks out in the other end of the street Prestatyn will go to it , ’ added Coun Edwards .
16 So , what I would suggest is that you certainly have a word with the police and draw their attention to it and if anybody listening has parked their car there , do please consider just how safe it is where you 're parking and think of other people .
17 Coaxing is another and sycophancy is another — you put your own interpretation on it but if it gets a good show , then it 's all a matter of semantics .
18 then I think that we ought to comment on it but if we are doing media response
19 Yes I think that 's the sort of thing when you 're a defender the goalkeeper s the goalkeeper 's almost on it but if you 're not sure you get rid of the thing and then say turn round to the keeper sorry pall but I 'm playing safe .
20 Wilde ( 1988 ) does accept that like physiological arousal feelings of subjective risk are not necessarily focal in the driver 's consciousness but he claims that there is continual level of subjective risk which the driver will become aware of if asked to report on it or if there are sudden changes in level .
21 You have had a long life of service and time to look back on it and if I did not know how your arthritis troubles you and with what difficulty you pen your kind notes I would ask you to help me in this .
22 Or if the ground was kind of wet we used to er make slide then and skate along on it and if the ground got dry we would get a old bucket or something and run round to the tap at the tank at the back of the school and get a a lot of water wet till you could slip on it .
23 Try her foot on it and if it do n't , if her foot overlaps
24 Yeah but I shall go for it but if any other jobs come up at the hospital I 'll apply for them
25 So if if nobody was looking for it or if they were n't used to the machines , examining the machines , they would n't know it was there .
26 If you like something enough you know what you can afford and what you 're willing to pay for it and if it 's priced more then you do n't buy it .
27 I mean I know it 's stupid er I just wanted to and there 's no hurry at all for it and if you 'd rather go somewhere else now
28 We think it might be voles , we think it could be squirrels , we do n't seriously think it 's anything bigger but I 'm afraid we do n't think there 's anything you can do about it but if you want further investigation then if you send these objects to Fred care of the programme , he will give you a personal diagnosis .
29 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
30 As I blundered on in my explanation I realised he had forgotten all about it and if I had kept my mouth shut the problem need never have arisen .
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