Example sentences of "[prep] a long [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The hurdle of post office reform has brought down French ministers of state before now , notably Pierre Lelong , who held the posts and telecommunications portfolio in Jacques Chirac 's government but was forced to resign after a long and bitter strike in 1974 .
2 The homecoming procedure , even after a long and exhausting exercise , is well known .
3 ‘ O K. Let's move on , ’ said the President after a long and pregnant pause .
4 Now after twelve years as convener at the huge Merseyside plant where he had effectively established shop-floor control after a long and bitter struggle , he had been thrown out by his own union members .
5 ‘ Well , are yer comin' or ai n't yer ? ’ he asked after a long and noisy sip at the cup that cheers .
6 After a long and colourful summing up , in which he swelt on the viciousness of the attack and the grievousness of the wounds , the callousness of the defendants and the misery of the surviving relatives , he made one adamant point .
7 These important nuances are often recognised only after a long and intimate experience of the couple under study .
8 There are occasions when after a long and difficult dig , and when a long time has elapsed before the recovery of the ferret and rabbit , you may discover that your ferret has scraped at the hindquarters of the rabbit for so long that it has broken the skin , drawn blood and started to eat the rabbit before it died .
9 And then , after a long and thoughtful pause , she hit me with it .
10 On February 14 , she went through her transplant and after a long and painful convalescence , came home to Newent .
11 In 1979 , when it came to power after a long and vicious civil war the new government detained between 7,000 and 8,000 former members of the National Guard .
12 An energy policy was , however , not surprisingly not quickly agreed ; it passed only after a long and bitter struggle that extended through most of Carter 's term of office and the package of measures finally agreed was inevitably different and weaker than the one the White House had originally requested .
13 Likewise , after a long and acrimonious struggle with congress the president 's plan for containing hospital costs was defeated .
14 Down the road a man in his fifties — a window cleaner — lost his wife who died after a long and harrowing illness .
15 The final allied victory against Japan came only after a long and costly struggle .
16 After a long and uphill struggle , lasting for most of the 1950s , Margery Fry had persuaded the Howard League and the newly formed Justice to take up the cause of monetary restitution to be paid out of public funds to those who had suffered personal injury from acts of criminal violence .
17 The Doctor and Bernice had reached the boundary of the city some distance ahead of the others , after a long and exhausting run .
18 She felt like a convalescent after a long and dangerous illness , her strength returning , her enthusiasm for life rekindled .
19 Perhaps after a long and unpleasant time in various German prison camps in Bavaria , Czechoslovakia and Brunswick , where the prisoners had been subjected to very severe bombing raids in which a number of them were killed , he had lost some of his characteristically boyish expression , but his sense of humour had n't suffered .
20 He retired from practice at the bar in the summer of 1802 at the age of fifty after a long and painful illness , having made a fortune .
21 But as they approached Kingsbere after a long and tiring day 's journey , a man came to tell them there were no rooms available .
22 Miracu-lously , Matt Busby survived after a long and seemingly impossible fight for life .
23 ‘ I arrived home at midnight after a long and tiresome conference in Lyons , ’ he grated .
24 He was conscious of a growing feeling of peace and well-being as he drew nearer — like a weary traveller returning home after a long and tiring journey .
25 These votes came after a long and stormy debate ; some deputies warned of the dangers of dictatorship because the proposed new presidency lacked an adequate system of checks and balances by the legislature , and argued that a switch to presidential rule was premature .
26 After a long and acrimonious debate , the developing countries joined to block similar resolutions condemning China and Iraq .
27 The decision was reported to have been reached after a long and tense debate in which a more moderate current , headed by the Imam Abdelkader al-Hachani , a mining engineer in his early thirties , argued in favour of participation as a necessary step towards the creation of an Islamic state .
28 They 'll pick him up , ’ my father said again , after a long and brooding silence .
29 Diploma Plc , holding company for a portfolio of electronic and construction products businesses , reporting pre-tax profits up 225% at £8.1m , says that industry may be broadly much weaker following a long and debilitating recession , but Diploma has maintained a good level of investment in people as well as plant , and has generally considered the recent years as an opportunity .
30 This consisted of a long or short shaft with a staple at the end , to which a chain was attached .
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