Example sentences of "[prep] be on the " in BNC.

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1 They drank the Coca-Cola and Timothy consumed the Worthington E , saying it was just what he needed after being on the sauce the night before .
2 Bruce Reynolds and Buster Edwards were eventually senetnced after being on the run in Mexico .
3 After being on the receiving end of the challenge which brought Marsh 's late dismissal , he allowed Piatnitski to complete a night which showed the strides the home side must make if it is to re-establish itself as a European force .
4 ‘ Raised ’ from the ruck , originally , by his family 's wealth , he does n't want to ‘ sink ’ , and rejects ‘ the idea of defeat ’ that prevails in the Third World : ‘ I 'm tired of being on the losing side .
5 Though soon to be exposed to Nazi atrocities as returning soldiers and the world 's press became free to speak , he enjoyed the feeling of being on the winning side , of seeing his country 's troops and their allies making strong progress across Europe .
6 The same indescribable appearance of the eyes , probably caused by the constant lack of sleep and the strain of being on the alert all the time .
7 The idea of the New has always been a crucial part of pop 's rhetoric : the idea that the future is going to be a improvement on the past ( that sixties ' feeling of being on the brink of a whole new order , the beginning of an endless breaking down of barriers and limits ) .
8 But , in the longer term , it promises to move the specialist closer to the levers of power , which have often eluded his or her grasp , leaving a sense of being on the periphery of events .
9 Even though the NSDAP was to achieve its majority in the Danzig Volkstag with a very clear mandate from the electorate to do what it thought necessary , most Danzigers were prepared to reap the benefits of being on the winning side without pondering too deeply the significance or morality of their own personal support for a party they did not entirely trust or like .
10 There 's always the pressure of playing , of course , and the dangers of being on the road and playing the songs night after night — it 's all too easy to fall into some kind of rut .
11 The impression is one of being on the roof of the world .
12 What they do have , though , is a still-blossoming talent and an evident euphoric thrill of being on the stage .
13 It is important to begin with this sense of perspective , lest the impression be given that politics exists only for the benefit of those who practise it — a kind of hobby ( or , better still , paid profession ) for an educated élite who compete among themselves for the ‘ prize ’ of being on the winning side that forms the next government .
14 There is a sense of being on the boundary of management vis-a-vis workers .
15 What kept her from coming down to bathe and witness the enjoyment her child got out of being on the seashore ?
16 The mere fact of being on the streets , ill-clothed and ill-fed makes such children criminals in the eyes of the police , and easy targets for death squads .
17 Naturally , most of the staff in the camp considered themselves lucky to have been posted here and dreaded the idea of a move , which created the feeling of being on the sidelines .
18 Accord him the honour of being on the front of the 40th birthday issue .
19 Currently , by virtue of being on the rota of solicitors , the advocate has undergone self-evaluation whereby he indicates publicly that he is competent to deal with criminal matters .
20 Whereas for me the rigours of the Second World War meant two ounces of butter a week and five inches of bath-water , for Jean-Claude they had involved near-starvation on a diet of turnips — and the dangers of being on the run .
21 They did not know then , were not to know for many years , were never fully to understand what it was that held them together — a sense of being on the margins of English life , perhaps , a sense of being outsiders , looking in from a cold street through a lighted window into a warm lit room that later might prove to be their own ?
22 Erm been tending to concentrate on specific things which you know stand a good chance of being on the paper , and even if they 're not will help you with others .
23 Life had several appearances of being on the mend .
24 Without the relational property of being on the mat at a particular time the cat would not be the ontological individual it is .
25 A restless excitement stirs in him , a sense of being on the verge of deep and different things .
26 A restless excitement stirs in him , a sense of being on the verge of deep and different things …
27 Caspar said , in a rather flat voice , ‘ At least we can be sure of being on the right road . ’
28 The road has only recently come to Uçagiz ; the whole area emanates a powerful feeling of being on the edge of the world .
29 The Galway International winner has n't given up hope of bidding yet again for one of the few big Irish rallies to elude him but describes his chances of being on the start line on Good Friday as ‘ remote ’ .
30 Strachan is in the squad with rumours of being on the bench and Pemberton is being given his debut cos Jon Newsome is still out .
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