Example sentences of "[prep] be [adv prt] when " in BNC.

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1 Then , on one occasion , Malcolm happened to be around when they came in .
2 Enter stage right disc jockey Jimmy Franks of BRMB , local independent radio in Birmingham , the only chap who happens to be around when I phone to see if anyone there could help me out .
3 ‘ And I would n't like to be around when it happens . ’
4 ‘ But to go out on a limb and take any bunch of morons , just those that happened to be around when he met Plumpton , and propose that they should do this thing — that 's really sticking your neck out .
5 Throughout his career he seemed to be around when it happened but the finger of accusation rarely pointed in his direction .
6 He did not want to be around when they told him ; he had enough to do without becoming involved in a domestic squabble .
7 ‘ The water is rising all the time and I would n't like to be around when it does overflow .
8 ‘ And that means I shall have to live longer to be around when he needs me . ’
9 New York cabbies are notorious for complaining but Danny , an old friend , who always seems to be around when I am ready to leave The Summit Hotel , assures me that business in one of the world 's busiest cities is worse than he had known it in more than 20 years .
10 If that was just a warning I did n't want to be around when they got really nasty .
11 And I did n't want to be around when that happened .
12 And she definitely did n't want to be around when he got the news that she wanted a divorce .
13 You might as well say yes to this , if you 're always going to be around when the machine reboots .
14 Because , it occurred to her with heart-stopping suddenness , the last thing in the world she wanted was to be around when Rohan Saint Yves married Antoinette — or anyone else .
15 " I still want to be around when the house re-opens . "
16 Soon after that I made arrangements to go to Australia ; I just felt I did n't want to be around when Mason and Jennifer got together .
17 We 're all extending our overdrafts in the hope that we can stay in business long enough to be around when the upturn starts .
18 The gelding 's career seemed to be over when he broke down badly in the spring of 1988 .
19 But the loneliness appeared to be over when , in October , TODAY exclusively revealed she had wed husband number four during a trip to Norway where she was also reunited with Nicolas after 10 years .
20 Only a short time after Joe left , the ‘ phoney war ’ as it was called seemed to be over when Hitler invaded Norway and Denmark .
21 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I am well aware of the fact that for some years now you have cut yourself off from your past and not deigned to reply to the letters of your friends , or even to return their calls , taking refuge in your answering machine and pretending not to be in when they rang at the bell .
22 Hillsborough is a great stadium to be in when it 's almost full and you 've got a barnstorming derby to watch .
23 I try to be out when he comes begging but that stupid Nutty gives it all away .
24 One of the very special things Christine did for her was to write notes to leave for the tradesmen when Miss Miggs was going to be out when they called — like NO MILK TODAY , THANK YOU , or ONE SMALL LOAF , PLEASE .
25 If he happened to be out when Sien came home , the flowers in front of the window by the wicker chair would let her know he had thought of her .
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