Example sentences of "[prep] be [adj] when " in BNC.

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1 And course , they had , with us you know at one time and now they 've got that holiday again now , so I mean none of them would of been cheap when they did it .
2 Because I think one of the most worrying things that for the soldiers at the front was will their family be looked after and will their land sort of be alright when they get back
3 You require the binary skill of being absent when present , and present when absent .
4 They were whispering for no reason except that the dim light and the sense of being awake when everyone else was asleep suggested it .
5 One of the councillors on the libraries committee took a copy of Gay News home to study so that he could n't be accused of being uninformed when the time came for him to vote for its rejection .
6 I do find the habit of ministers of being bloody when things go wrong a trying feature of this job .
7 Fabia drove down to Dover unhappily , not liking herself very much that , instead of being co-operative when Cara had so much else to worry her , she had been a shade obstructive .
8 Then as David got up to order another drink she found that her anger towards him was dwindling ; after all , she could hardly accuse him of being uncaring when she was only too aware of the caring nature of his activities .
9 And he rarely complained during his recuperation from the first back operation , to repair a number of fractures , which looked like being successful when he returned for Middlesex at the start of 1991 and took four for 60 against Somerset with a performance which particularly impressed his own wicket-keeper Paul Farbrace .
10 He leaned forward and kissed her cheek , which , from being cold when they entered the coffee-bar , was now glowing pink .
11 ( Elizabeth said that she was not quite sure whether she ought to be pleased when I told her this ; but I am sure she was pleased . )
12 Less than a third agreed they came by their fees easily , while half felt they made a positive effort to support and understand clients and 59 per cent that they respond very positively to requests for help and advice ( although these two groups of responses should be seen in the light of that ‘ distress purchase ’ attitude , where lawyers are unlikely to be negative when a client suddenly calls up offering business ) .
13 If your support piling is not going to be visible when installed , why not consider materials other than wood .
14 Lower gear ratios are likely to be suitable when the motor 's speed capability is restricted .
15 It is hard to be inactive when fell-walking , in Michael 's case , and swimming in mine have been among the greatest of pleasures .
16 It is tempting to be cynical when reading texts such as " Secrets de famille " ( 1930 ) , " Notes-programme sur la philosophie " ( 1930 ) , Aden Arabie ( 1931 ) , Les Chiens de garde ( 1932 ) , " Litterature revolutionnaire en France " ( 1932 ) , and " Les Consequences du refus " ( 1932 ) .
17 While this is more than adequate for word processing and so on it does tend to be restrictive when considering A4 or even A3 pages .
18 Show them how to be concise when they may have only minutes or even seconds to put over their viewpoint .
19 The proportion of pupils who treated decimals as whole numbers appeared to be greater when the numbers were in context than when pure numbers were used .
20 It was not merely the major items of patronage , such as appointment to the Court of Session , which occasioned deathwatch reports to politicians from the jobhunters , for the health of local officers was as much a matter of careful calculation , and the first to apply was the most likely to be successful when a vacancy occurred .
21 It is easy to be successful when the world is booming , but not so easy when things tighten up .
22 It involves beliefs such as ‘ There is n't enough to go round ’ , ‘ I never have enough money ’ , ‘ Money does n't grow on trees ’ , ‘ You have to work hard for what you want ’ , ‘ If I have more , others have less ’ , ‘ Better save for a rainy day ’ and ‘ It 's immoral to be rich when so many people are starving and homeless . ’
23 Such views are held by economists who consider the beneficial effects of the threat of a takeover to be minimal when compared with the damaging effects of short termism .
24 Overheads continued to be minimal when , after four months , he moved from Cheshire , where he had temporarily alighted for personal reasons , to Barnoldswick in Lancashire .
25 This point may sound very obvious , but it is seen to be crucial when one party to the contract is looking for a way to get out of his contractual obligations and is able to seize upon an ill-defined point .
26 Others in the group argued that up to a point all those things were right , but that often a subject was complex , often it could be constructive for everyone to have a chairperson who would guide discussion , not control it , who would be able to be supportive when someone talked too much or too little .
27 ‘ Experiences , relationships etc are considered to be supportive when the individual involved sees the experience tin terms of his values , goals , expectations , and aspirations ) as contributing to or maintaining his sense of personal worth and importance . ’
28 A x B is called the Cartesian product of A and B. The word " ordered " implies that elements ( a , b ) , ( c , d ) in A x B are defined to be equal when and only when both a = c and b = d .
29 But I do n't want to be alive when you reject me for it . ’
30 However , in Fagan the court held the accused to be guilty when he inadvertently parked his car on a policeman 's foot , realised what he had done , and refused to drive off .
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