Example sentences of "[prep] the government [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most papers did not mind , however , for the government restrictions kept their paper and printing costs low and enabled them to make good profits from the big demand for advertising space .
2 It will carry out commercial work for example using the Dounreay Fuel Plants only if doing so uses facilities important for the government work and also reduces the net cost to Government .
3 The AUT plans to warn its own bankers , NatWest , that it may withdraw its own account in protest at the bank 's support for the Government scheme .
4 The Bush administration has issued long-awaited guidelines for the government agencies that regulate the release of biotechnology products into the environment , primarily the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) and the US Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) .
5 No sell-off for the Government Art Collection
6 Widespread student unrest is followed by an allegedly fraudulent election victory for the Government candidate .
7 Industry preparing for the Government legislation is luring inspectors away faster than they can be recruited to enforce it .
8 For the government strategy to work , therefore , it must create the conditions which will enable the private sector to make profits in the inner urban areas .
9 Azaña a finally resigned in September 1933 , following defeat for the government parties in elections for the Republic 's supreme court .
10 The drop in support for the government parties after less than five months in power was widely attributed to growing scepticism about whether the government could produce a workable programme to tackle the country 's economic crisis .
11 Now this is the centre for the government offices of the civil service , the law courts and the cathedral .
12 This was partly the result of good news such as winning the contract for the government department data network and a voice network for the department of social security .
13 I was not shown as voting for the Government motion in Division 15 .
14 Mr Richards , who met two of the demonstrators , said he had not supported the closures but voted for the Government motion for a review of the threatened pits .
15 In 1830 he was elected for the government borough of Rye and the following year was active as Tory assistant whip .
16 There was full consultation between family heads at each stage of the project and only a handful of families , mostly shop-owners , opted to wait for the Government supply which reached Perteguhan 18 months later .
17 When it reached the more sober atmosphere of the Upper House , the clause was decisively rejected , again on a free vote ( except for the Government Front Bench ) , by a majority of 153 ( 181 votes to 28 ) , despite a powerful plea in its support by Viscount Templewood , who , as Sir Samuel Hoare , had been the Home Secretary so enthused about pre-war prison reform .
18 In addition to the attacks on jobs , public sector workers , many of them who are poorly paid , part-time , many of them women workers now face an effective cut as the government attempts to restrict pay increases this year to less than one point five percent .
19 As the government circular explaining the 1948 Children Act ( Circular 48/160 ) put it :
20 As the government forces recaptured towns and villages , the army reportedly held ‘ kangaroo courts ’ and executed anyone suspected of joining or assisting the invasion force .
21 This seems more likely than that everything will be back to normal by this autumn , as the government claims .
22 With the increasing dominance of a means-tested assistance , people have not only become passively dependent as the Government claims .
23 GCHQ began in 1919 as the Government Code and Cipher School ( GCCS ) , picking up the few remaining members of the army and naval teams of codebreakers who had operated in Britain during World War I. A very small team was formed , working on a tiny annual budget in MI6 's offices at 56 Broadway , in London .
24 The announcement was greeted sceptically in the National Assembly and by the press , which claimed that the surplus was illusory as the government trade figures were distorted by smuggling , variable exchange rates , barter deals and restrictions on imports .
25 As the Government troops move further south , so the children move even further towards the safety of the Kenyan border .
26 Until the rebels reached Monrovia the fighting had involved few direct clashes between the government troops and the rebels and had largely consisted of tribally motivated reprisal attacks against civilians .
27 But there are other differences between the government frontbench and the man in the wings .
28 THE only thing that puzzles me about the Government decision to ban the Northern Irish Protestant terror gang , the UDA , is why it has taken them so long to do it .
29 I ca n't feel enthusiastic about the government training course I 'm on and although I have a nice boyfriend , I 'm trying to finish the relationship .
30 Like so many Permanent Secretaries , Ken was a substantial politician in his own right and knew every byway of Whitehall , in particular how to process decisions through the government machine .
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