Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 No-one was more anti-populist than Charles Leslie , admittedly a rather extreme Tory , but whose Rehearsal was nevertheless a powerful vehicle for the propagation of Tory ideology for the middle years of Anne 's reign .
2 Colour is even more limited than before , and the palette for the succeeding years is established : some of the paintings are in earth colours , greys and blacks , with a few touches of dull green , while others are in softer grey-blues and buffs .
3 But with further tuition in the UK they can move on to full doctor status and for many students the chance to experience life in another country more than makes up for the extra years of study .
4 Bentley School was built 150 years ago on half an acre of land given by Bishop Sumner of Winchester but its history prior to 1882 is almost non-existent since the log books for the early years have long since been lost .
5 Or to reverse it , could it be that in the deepening turbulence of our generation God is not only judging a culture which has abandoned him but also , as it were , shaking up the bag and testing the foundations to see if we Christians are as ready as we think for the critical years ahead ?
6 It was a curious mixture of determined work , for many undergraduates had lost five years or more , and of equally certain enjoyment , for the lost years had to be made up in other ways too .
7 It can be sub-divided into two distinct operations : Staging This takes the list of teaching items and arranges it into blocks of the right size for the various years , months , weeks , days and classes of the teaching course .
8 It sees the widow as the creator of life who has suddenly become the symbol of death , and who also , as an unsupported woman , may be an expensive burden on the rest of the ‘ tribe ’ for the remaining years of her life .
9 Thus , during the disorder of the first part of the 1980s , the authorities utilized the 1936 Act procedure to ban many more marches than they had done before : in 1981 alone , there were 42 banning orders , and the figures for the following years were also high : 13 , 9 , and 11 in 1982 , 1983 , and 1984 respectively ( Home Office , 1985b : 23 ) .
10 The monitoring and evaluation completes the course of action for that year ; it also begins to produce fresh information on which to base action for the following years , and so the cycle can begin again .
11 At the same time unemployment has risen to new levels for the post-war years and continues to remain high .
12 He found , for example , that one company was realising that the whaling situation had been allowed to become a terrible indictment of all those involved in the industry , the Governments concerned and the International Whaling Commission , but I am afraid to say that it was the attitudes of the other two companies that prevailed in Japan for the ensuing years .
13 By and large , the first three factors can be discounted for the inter-war years and it is clear that the most important factor was the decline in birth rate .
14 We shall have to live with it , because er I I do n't think that any hope of any redress next year , but the got to be established of a different system , of me a different methodology for the foreseeable years , if we 're going to get those schemes through that you supported wholeheartedly and congratulated us and for bringing forward the new road schemes for er the that that that that you so approved so warmly yesterday .
15 Matisse , as has been seen , had for the past years been turning to the work of Cézanne for inspiration , and by 1906 Derain was looking at his work also , so that it was only natural that Braque , who had discovered Fauvism through them , should once again follow their example , although he was already well acquainted with Cézanne 's work .
16 The craft has been his hobby for the past years , and in that time he has seen it grow immensely in popularity .
17 For the tweeny years , fed on pantomimes , theatre-in-education tours of schools and TV series stage spectaculars , there are few plays taken from popular children 's books ( could you include Shakespeare ? ) .
18 There is also an indication that certain countries , particularly Kenya and Ghana are becoming increasingly prepared to recognise more languages as media for the initial years of formal education .
19 For the initial years after 1910 Korea was under a brutal military regime which attempted to crush all anti-Japanese activity and sentiment .
20 I rang the bells for the different years to come to the hall .
21 Erm , you may well have got different directories , for the different years .
22 However , as for small group tutorials , colloquia and seminars are usually held only for the senior years of the course .
23 The churches should seek to discover the community trends and local authority plans for the coming years .
24 The assessment of the vendor 's ability to pay will depend on the current financial status of the vendor and its plans for the coming years including its use of the sale proceeds .
25 it 's , it 's for the previous years accounts , yeah
26 Mary Leapor , however , would have studied under a man named Richard Cooper who made strenuous efforts to improve the school during the middle years of the century [ Clarke ] .
27 General pictures of what happens during the middle years are inevitably flawed , but they suggest that a change often takes place in marriage at that time and that for many people satisfactions come from sources outside the couple 's relationship .
28 During the middle years of their married life , and before Prince Charles becomes King , it is right that the paths and interests of the Prince and Princess of Wales should diverge somewhat .
29 Dr Clay writes that during the middle years of the seventeenth century customary tenures were still widespread and important , especially for the smaller properties , but that much less land was held in this way than was the case 100 years earlier .
30 Far below London in size came the provincial capitals , the cities of Norwich , Bristol , York , Exeter , Newcastle upon Tyne and perhaps Salisbury and Coventry , each of which began to recover from the doldrums of the late-medieval recession during the middle years of Elizabeth 's reign .
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