Example sentences of "[prep] come [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After coming up with at least an estimate of your starting point , you need to decide where you want to go .
2 After coming up with the idea of the specialised oil , Augusto Odone contacted a dozen scientists around the world working on myelin repair .
3 And manager Joe Kinnear last night reported that John Fashanu was in agony after pulling his hamstring again after coming on as a substitute even though he was ‘ only about 10 per cent fit . ’
4 ( Q : which England player once scored a hat trick for Marske United after coming on as a substitute ?
5 Ian equalised for the Palace a few minutes after coming on to the field , then put us ahead in extra-time for one of the most telling substitutions in the annals of the great competition
6 Kids ' stuff : Kevin Thomas , Hearts ' 17-year-old debutant , acclaims his goal , scored minutes after coming on at Tynecastle on Saturday .
7 The pressure of his foot on a wired pad under the stair-carpet has triggered the burglar alarm , which Raymond , amazingly , must have remembered to set after coming in at God knows what hour last night .
8 Racecourse officials and race starter Capt Keith Brown could also face heavy fines after coming in for stiff criticism .
9 Aintree race course officials and National starter , Capt Keith Brown , could also face heavy fines after coming in for stiff criticism .
10 Both came to the Sunday services immediately after coming along to the centre , one of the lads having a belief in Jesus but had never taken the step of repentance and asking Him into his heart , when he did his reaction was to say he felt the chains fall from him and that he believes Jesus has broken his addiction to alcohol .
11 I did n't go back to school after coming out of hospital , I felt that all that potential had gone ; I just stayed at home watching ‘ Rainbow ’ and ‘ Play School ’ .
12 The day that made the appointment to see and Co , Nick after coming out of that meeting with Nick , we called in at the office , myself and my wife , and whilst I was tidying some things up because I 'd got the remainder of the afternoon off , Charles ' wife said to my wife , my wife actually broke down in tears , and she says , What 's up ?
13 For that reason , Sir Adrian looks back with gratitude on the job-rotation policy that was an integral part of basic training when he joined the family firm after coming down from Cambridge in 1952 .
14 ‘ Bangor had a bad run after coming back from Europe — 13 games without a win , ’ he recalls .
15 After coming back from the holiday regular outings to the pictures , ice-skating rink and other activities are planned , culminating in another holiday , this time in Northern Ireland , at the end of the summer , ’ Adree explained .
16 After coming back from doing his stint , he discovered that his dressing room had been broken into and the telly nicked .
17 McKenzie looked as if he might have done enough to retain his crown after coming back from a ninth-round crisis in which he was floored by a two-punch combination to the body .
18 Kidsgrove Athletic 2 Skelmersdale United 2 : Luckless Skem were denied a deserved victory in the last two minutes after coming back from behind .
19 But the things is , he wanted to a lot of things about came up like in the middle
20 The black would of come up about there .
21 And they must of come over for Christmas dinner .
22 So if you 'd like to get out , of come out of Word oh first of all
23 So she must of come out of this divorce quite well then ?
24 He was , well it was n't much before it , it was erm , he should of come out in February , he came out the Previous July .
25 Yes I think that must of come out in the roundabout there , it was n't in front before , erm , so I 'll do that yes , I 'll drop you off
26 The most common beginner 's mistake is to sit too far aft in the boat and that causes a great wrist a tail of to come up from the trunk .
27 Erm there 's another one that a lot of came up with one or two had heard a few before and they all groaned and then accused you of making them all up !
28 It may be asked why psychiatry has made such heavy weather of coming round to that view .
29 This acute retention of urine constitutes one of medicine 's most uncomfortable emergencies , with its habit of coming on at the end of and evening 's drinking ( usually beer ) adding a bloated urgency to the situation .
30 Substitute Dean Gordon gave Comrades a tonic when he scored within a minute of coming on at the start of the second half , but David Montgomery got Carrick 's third two minutes from the end , with Wesley Hanna being sent off for protesting just a little too vociferously .
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