Example sentences of "[prep] [modal v] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 While I can see that the woman you wrote about may well have deserved what she got — your report says the little girl was badly bruised — I do think we have to be wary of going to extremes .
2 This is of practical importance particularly in the case of closely held companies or wholly-owned subsidiaries where the conduct complained of may well have received unanimous shareholder assent , which would otherwise have the effect of regularising the transaction and hence preventing the liquidator from taking remedial action .
3 It was not a unanimous vote but , my word , those who voted against must certainly have been feeling very lonely .
4 — Chinese traders when asked by the Romans what country they came from should really have replied ‘ Chung-kuo ’ ( Middle Kingdom ) .
5 The court said that the conclusion the arbitrator had come to could only have been reached by in effect giving evidence to himself in flat contradiction to the evidence given by the applicants ' expert witness , and the arbitrator was guilty of misconduct in failing to observe the rules of natural justice .
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