Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Patsy turned to them , unmarked except for where he had been stained by his brother 's blood .
2 ‘ So Billy Tuckett gets badly scared and starts running for where he thinks his old friend Lucy Scarrott lives . ’
3 He assumed , however , that rather than evolving over the ages to suit their environment , they had been ‘ ready-made ’ by God to the perfect design needed for where He placed them .
4 and she , he , she goes down to the abortion centre right after and he dies !
5 He does n't see us as a part of a crowd , he does n't see us as a number on a computer , he does n't see us as numbers on a bank account , or in some other organizational er er er computer set up or whatever it is , he does n't just see us as that he sees us as individuals .
6 generally speaking the nation had good ears , they knew what was what and they listened quite well , hear you deaf ones he 's describing them and look forth to see you blind once verse twenty it was a case of seeing many things , but you did not cheat watching and Daniel , verse twenty five , look it says there a little phrase near , half way through that he took no note , the nation took no note of what was happening at that time , but we know what happened to them , many of them , thousands , a million of them lost their lives did n't they ?
7 So er David you know them , I think I 'm letting the down really but when you do do it there wo n't be any , be any erm , oh I never thought of that he says
8 cos it was all fresh cos he was gon na get meat tomorrow and the following day , so I says to him I says well why did n't you use your cheque book ? , he says oh I never thought of that he says , cos it takes a few days to get it , he do n't know with a cheque book
9 I shall mar all of that he has made and foraged .
10 Well unfortunately a lot of that he 's got to stop you know .
11 There are areas and times of Burton 's life which he does n't think much of and he says so .
12 Of course they , they had questions of and he says oh well I 've sat with him , the man 's prepared working at Lambert , but no you ca n't allow the man to work after he 's sixty and that was it .
13 He says well I , we were on about sort of and he says bring it up at the next meeting , I says
14 He discussed any issue , and particularly this one , with everyone he could think of and he continued to show throughout his political career an indecision that in some directions had dire consequences .
15 Brought quite a lot of And he brought the gramophone with him you know .
16 We asked the sultan what all these festivities were in aid of and he said : " Did n't you realize this is your welcome ceremony ?
17 And he , and I remember ah , er er , I mean I was only , well I was sort of and he had his feet up on the table , he was smoking a cigarette and he , and he had a laid back attitude .
18 so of course he had a last slurp of and he spit it all over everywhere
19 that wh who in the government would he dispose of and he sat and smiled gently and said well he would n't have appointed any of them in the first place .
20 Oh the Toshiba , the Toshiba transformers , that 's what he 's got a good range of and he 's written down
21 What is beyond the boundaries of his own home ground is an outside world composed of impersonal structures and processes over which he has no control , of if he does have some control , it is only by virtue of some formal authority vested in an office that he occupies .
22 There are n states of nature and he receives a return of if he takes action i and the state is j .
23 something to do with that cos of but he denies that they saw it .
24 Fucking , fire 's this gun at him point blank and he goes and he stands there like this , and he , he stood there and he goes running round the corner sort of thing and then he goes he ca n't of missed from that fucking distance you know , and its that distance and er , in the , in the car , the mate goes , the mate sort of till he passed out , and he goes bring it to me , he goes , and its still alive , he goes , but matey in the front goes oh my he goes , I knew you 'd fuck up he goes and so they 're all blanks you
25 His rehabilitation — from the leader they could not wait to get rid of because he represented high taxes , inflation and military failure ( over Iran ) , to the president everyone loves to cite as the model elder statesman -has been remarkable .
26 Mr Lamont has also put his mark on Tory budgets for the next three years , regardless of whether he remains Chancellor .
27 The activity which his reason can criticize and partially direct was not initially chosen by him , it is spontaneous ; the physical processes of birth , breathing , digestion , orgasm , death ; the emotions ; the desires and aversions which are independent of his principles and may conflict with them , irrespective of whether he thinks of them as innate or as socially conditioned ; dream , reverie and fantasy ; ecstasies of love , mystical illumination , intellectual discovery , artistic creation and contemplation .
28 It was a question of whether he took one , two or three minutes to dispatch rivals into a coma .
29 The principle which would have to be established first of all is that each person in the world ( all those aged 21 or over , suggests Dr Grubb ) would have an equal share in man-made carbon dioxide emissions , regardless of whether he lived in a rich developed country or a poor one which produced hardly any carbon dioxide at all .
30 He also had to make the more crucial choice of whether he wished to become a muderris or a kadi : at this stage of his career he would , of course , become a kasabat kadi .
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