Example sentences of "[prep] [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After being a highly-prized mistress she was now little better than a common prostitute , and her owners were now interested only in squeezing the last drops of revenue from her tired body .
2 Your stepson has to get used to a whole new family , which is a big shock for him after being an only child .
3 What she had been after was a specified date and time .
4 when I went down there , there must of been a winding me up but the only problem was that er , it was all into er one thirty but er but I mean after you went out I took Thomas out on the road
5 it must of been a long
6 Oh I yeah , he got this , this er must of been a good metal detector you know
7 Oh I can , I can understand what must be going through her mind , it must still of been a terrible time .
8 I suppose I can understand it now , I mean it must of been a lovely place , and then to have all these new houses going up you know , but erm , I mean there was some lovely , lovely lanes
9 You would of got two cos you would of been a big one wo n't you ?
10 I , I , I was lucky in the three ground I went too the worst that ever happened to me was I was put head first into a dustbin , but luckily it had been emptied it was still well mucky , but I just fucking went and had a shower , and I come out of the shower and I 'd got pounced upon again and I was there , it must of been a funny site , there 's me right in just a pair of fucking deck chairs that we used to wear for the , the shower block right , fucking shaving , er like the wash kit bag in my right hand and I was holding me fucking towel round , round me waist with me left , I was streaking across the play ground , going as fast as I could
11 The first form talked about it more than any one else , of course they squealed with laughter when they saw the poor Mary Lou Manselle and Gwendoline , all falling victims to the same spider , jolly clever spider said Irene , it means the only three people in the form that it that would be scared of it , I take my hat off to that spider , ca n't think why it chose my desk said Mary Lou , no , that was a shame said Gwendoline , poor Mary Lou it must of been an awful shock for you when you saw it , I wonder who put it there ?
12 Tt er and i in a sense there 's kind of been an upward trend in terms of progression through that , that reform but within that there have obviously been a number of and in a sense what we 've been coming to terms with is , is what has been causing those , those variations , those changes in that policy .
13 the laws of that could of been an important element of competition
14 Well I suppose probably people li like nursemaids and er and er what they used to call in those days mothers ' helps , who used to sort of be a general skivvy around the house and would look after the children , and , and , and they were the same , they had to be in I think at , at sort of ten o'clock at night .
15 However , having made an investment they expected it to pay its way and any development towards being a full-time farmer would depend very much on market prices .
16 In fact , the whole discipline will become more applied in the sense that the emphasis will be shifted from laboratory studies , which seek to isolate variables in the abstract , towards being a social science , which examines socially shared beliefs , or social representations , in their actual social context .
17 Unikix , acquired back in January by Bull 's US systems integration arm , Integris , is expected to boost the group 's drive towards being an out-and-out systems integrator .
18 Yet if she had she would have imagined for him someone like Mrs Pascoe , someone who gave an instant impression of being a first-class housekeeper ( the house was immaculate , everything well chosen and highly polished ) and combined energetic work for her local community with a modest reticence about herself .
19 3 years ago , Karin Anyon decided she 'd had enough of being a diving widow ; her husband Nick was always away diving with the Milton Keynes Diving Club .
20 The idea of a triangle is made up from the ideas of being a closed figure , and having three straight sides ; the idea of gold from those of yellowness , malleability , and fusibility .
23 the high price of being a shopaholic
24 There was astonishment also at what Sylvie Guillem could do with her legs , and excited suspense was also manifested over the question of whether Inès de la Fressange was coming or whether she had been deemed to be too much associated with Chanel and had therefore , in spite of being a close personal friend of Christian 's , been unceremoniously dumped .
25 Posidonius has the reputation , to a certain extent justified , of being a religious soul .
26 The other is the emergence of new , third world competitors that deploy their resources in innovative ways that sometimes can minimise the handicaps of being a late entrant into established markets .
27 Even though its evolutionary course was eventually destined to lead it into the complicated and probably costly distortions involved in having two eyes on one side , even though the skate way of being a flat fish might ultimately have been the best design for bony fish too , the would-be intermediates that set out along this evolutionary pathway apparently did less well in the short term than their rivals lying on their side .
28 But beyond all this , Malham goes about its business of being a living Dales village , with its farms and farmers , its village hall and little shops , very much in the way it has always done .
29 His parallels are drawn not from primates , but from his own work on the advertising art of New Guinea bowerbirds , and the handicap of being a male bird of paradise with a three-foot tail .
30 There is no dispute that that boundary is capable of being a suitable greenbelt boundary .
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