Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] over " in BNC.

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1 After being cheered over the finishing line they accepted blankets and drinks from their supporters , then wandered about with bemused expressions on their faces .
2 The man , who can not be named for legal reasons , was on police bail in Liverpool after being arrested over a burglary .
3 The other interesting runner I rode was Auntie Dot , particularly as she has the advantage of being schooled over a National-type fence on her trainer John Webber 's gallops .
4 The intense heat of being held over a gas jet will cause immediate and permanent discolouring .
5 If the courts did throw out a case that you 'd dealt with , you stood a chance of being sued over it .
6 THE most powerful man in world cricket admitted for the first time last night that he is frightened of being sued over the Lambgate Scandal .
7 Despite being hit over the head , he clung to the gun and the raiders fled empty-handed .
8 Robyn stretched her arms high above her head , releasing some of the tension in her aching shoulders from being hunched over her drawing-board for so long .
9 The baggage area behind that is quite spacious , although the small baggage door is only just big enough to allow a flight size case through , which means anything larger needs to be manhandled over the seats .
10 Finally , the programme approach was to be extended over the whole Fund , with National Programmes of Community Interest , Community Programmes and Integrated Development Programmes , so that at least 20 per cent of the budget would be directed towards programme expenditure .
11 If the new inspection chamber is to be positioned over an existing clay drain , the difficulty is likely to be cutting into the existing drain .
12 In recent years the situation has become confused , because there are now exterior wood stains available , which differ from a true dye or stain , as they leave a coloured film on the surface of the wood and do not require another finish to be applied over them .
13 Remember that any such feature is simply a vehicle for the plants to be grown over it , and in a few years the structure becomes incidental to the glory of the climber that smothers it .
14 Evidence will be collected which will allow the relationship between landscape and the control of land to be monitored over time , providing the statutory bodies concerned with conservation of the landscape with a better means of influencing change .
15 On the last side 's Violet , a reworked blues with references to Messiaen in it , some of Miles Davis 's most exquisite slow playing is to be heard over slurred , sliding chords and the kind of empty space you hardly ever hear him loose in these days .
16 Although Sugar 's war was now over , the sound of her engines were to be heard over Europe on many more occasions over the next few weeks .
17 Then he looked up , raising his voice so as to be heard over the sow 's din .
18 ‘ I just wanted to say something , ’ Loren Aldridge told her , leaning close and raising her voice to be heard over the music .
19 ‘ How long ? ’ shouted Billie from the rear , loud enough to be heard over the roar of the two-hundred horsepower engine .
20 They turned south this time and soon Jenna was amused and intrigued to see huge gaggles of geese in fields , moving about almost as one and honking loud enough to be heard over the noise of the car .
21 She hated even the slightest shadow to be cast over these few days .
22 This cost advantage is unlikely to be maintained over systems that can be run at street level .
23 Adult speech which contains a relatively high proportion of statements or declaratives has been associated with accelerated language development in young children , while studies of pre-schoolers have indicated that conversations are more likely to be maintained over a number of turns if adults make positive contributions by adding new information ( Wood et al .
24 all single men will have to be shot over the age of forty
25 The maximum amount of sediment likely to be deposited over that period along the coast generally is about 30 centimetres and we know that hurricanes will certainly rearrange that amount of material .
26 Cattle required good quality pasture and plentiful hay if they were to be kept over the winter , which they generally were .
27 Frank Thompson , the father of Anthony , is masterminding the fund-raising activities to be arranged over the next year and is open to suggestions and , of course , contributions , from any source .
28 STAFF at Liverpool 's Victims of Violence charity home are to be balloted over strike action in support of a sacked colleague .
29 The behaviour of privatised industries will have to be studied over a number of years before it is possible to conclude whether the ownership of the company ( ie private or public ) or the market structure ( ie competitive or monopolistic ) is the major determinant of corporate behaviour .
30 It is recognised that there is a view of Religious Education in which educational principles will take precedence in deciding the appropriateness of the content to be studied over that which adherents to a particular faith tradition may consider essential and appropriate .
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