Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 large corporations and organizations , such as are likely to have in-house language training services .
2 At best , a family might be given two shillings weekly if , after being willing to submit to a very strict investigation into their financial position ( this was called a ‘ Means Test ’ ) they were found to be at starvation level .
3 WALLY the wandering wallaby was last night keeping many hops ahead of his worried owner and police after being unable to resist the call of the wild .
4 The jury in the Mona Bauwens libel case have been discharged after being unable to reach a majority verdict .
5 Keown then left at the end of his contract after being unable to agree terms with Graham over a new deal — and alleging that the sticking point had been a request for £50 a week more than he was offered .
6 As Byrd begins the long rehabilitation process which doctors hope will enable him to regain some movement , former team-mate Al Toon , one of the game 's top wide receivers , sits in retirement after being unable to shake off the effects of the ninth concussion in his eight-year career .
7 This architect specified radiused gutter proved extremely difficult for the builder to obtain , until the problem was solved by Apex after being able to fabricate the specification requirement
8 and er it would of been impossible to rest your feet on the rail them performing the most uncomfortable
9 Yeah well I remember that then just sleep overcame me and I , I closed me eyes and the next thing I knew John says well I wished you 'd of been awake to see that
10 They I mean in a time when it 's sort of been difficult to make money erm why is that one got not gone by the board and more amateur production put in there ?
11 For one 's frailties to be known by someone else , someone who does not add their voice to the clamour of internal judgement , is the first step back towards being able to view one 's predicament simultaneously with accuracy and equanimity .
12 One facility used for making helicopter blades is now finding new use for producing jointless Wings which have the added benefit of being cheap to import because of the weak state of the Rand .
13 And I suspect it 's the same kind of actual physical complaint that women who complained of being depressed have .
14 The effort of being diplomatic left her depressed once more and miserable .
15 First , instead of being content to rest his case on the distinction between commonsense and scientific language , he insisted that certainties in science , having once been established , should be regarded as aids in biblical exegesis .
16 This had the advantage of being simple to operate and relatively cheap .
17 They have the advantage of being easy to carry around , and with care can be used anywhere — in bed , on a beach and so on ( but not in a meeting with a client ) .
18 It is still relatively expensive and can not go into subjects in depth in the same way as print , but has the advantage of being easy to watch , in an idiom or genre which is very familiar to most people , and it can be viewed by groups of staff simultaneously .
19 Block pavers have the big advantage of being easy to handle ( they 're usually the same size as conventional bricks ) .
20 He had little conviction that he could fulfil this role properly , his own experience of being fathered having been so grossly inadequate .
21 She had wild visions of being obliged to invite him to dinner every night .
22 However I had perceived that he had been caught in that familiar predicament of being obliged to continue to the end of a story which half-way through he repented of having begun .
23 Press bias ( that is , reading a right-wing or left-wing paper ) had a relatively large influence upon Thatcher 's image of being willing to listen , caring , and likeable .
24 Even in the early days , when wage differentials between the two cities were not great , the Edinburgh compositors were considered by their Glasgow colleagues to be lacking in spirit : " The printers [ i.e. compositors ] of Edinburgh had the unenviable reputation of being willing to accept work at a reduced rate in almost any town in the United Kingdom before 1840 . "
25 I think the government , and John by the way has been superb to us , in terms of being willing to come along , and help us do the work we 're doing , and I 'm , I believe the government has a great interest in this field .
26 Does the son who wants a motor bike show signs of being ready to handle a potentially lethal machine ?
27 Indeed in The Times article already quoted Roger Scruton was particularly scornful of the Vice-Chancellors for their apparent readiness to change : they were accused of being interested only in the quantity , not the quality , of students ; and of being happy to lower their standards , and offer as items in university courses ‘ subjects ’ which have no proved intellectual value .
28 Dr Mikulas Huba , head of the Slovak Parliamentary Committee for Nature and Environmental Protection , has accused the government of being prepared to sell off the entire Tatra range to Americans without formal authority .
29 The pilot must be vigilant on every aerotow and must realise the importance of being prepared to release at any point on the climb out should his glider get badly out of position .
30 — Margaret Thatcher ‘ Although it is uncomfortable , the note which is being sounded is not bad ; it is one of being prepared to take occasionally rough and unpopular decisions in the belief that they will work through successfully . ’
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