Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] than [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Their farms were usually small , often less than a hundred acres , and we know much less about them than about the gentry .
2 ‘ If some people think that I live in a void , as you put it , ’ said the poet on television , ‘ perhaps that tells us more about them than about me .
3 Obviously this may tell you more about me than about the works themselves .
4 In the London suburb where I live we see plenty of foxes , and I feel far greater affection for them than for the local cats or dogs .
5 I am very grateful for all those who worked so hard on my behalf and I feel more sorry for them than for myself , ’ he said .
6 Although social workers were trained in dealing with stress , said Mr Gower , the whole subject of removing children from their parents was no less emotive for them than for other members of the community .
7 It was an embarrassing situation , more so for them than for us .
8 ‘ Yes , and their cats will be looked after too — one only hopes Daisy wo n't put in more food for them than for the humans . ’
9 ‘ Worst of all , being pulled up by the roots — worse for me than for j[ack] ; for Leeborough has always been my base whereas his real home has been Hillsboro [ Mrs Moore 's rented house in Headington , Oxford ] far some years now .
10 It would be painful for both of us , but more for me than for him , for he was young and beautiful and gifted , with the whole world before him .
11 My missionary vocation landed me with the task , the experience probably did more for me than for the fifty to one hundred loyal missionary supporters who attended .
12 Was it not obvious ( she was answered ) that the man felt sorrier for himself than for his wife ?
13 And I am more worried about what he thinks of me than of what he might do to Havvie . ’
14 I was born , and there they were to form me , which is why I tell you more of them than of myself .
15 Not only were there more of them than of other groups living in poverty or on the margins of poverty ; more had no assets or virtually no assets , and fewer possessed substantial amounts of assets …
16 I know many people who do worse things , but I 'd rather listen to all of them than to this man Monks .
17 On the F-Plan the calories will be consumed in food which is more filling , and your body will waste more of them than on other slimming diets .
18 Maintenance of the driver and command files for the process is very much the LIFESPAN Manager 's responsibility , and what better way to keep track of them than inside the process to which they refer .
19 Inside , the piers were massive and there were more of them than in examples further west .
20 " I have to say that I have a different opinion of you than of some of the others from your house .
21 ‘ Allen taught me it is easier to hide in front of something than behind it . ’
22 Bernie himself was becoming quite fond of her and Noreen thought he saw more of her than of his sister .
23 They were not far removed at any time from the poverty line , and more frequently below it than above it .
24 In mid-afternoon , he hove to , dropped anchor and took Mary the few hundred yards to the sports field , basking a little in their ceremonious passage — the work and self-forgetfulness of the day brought out every best quality in her and yet , paradoxically , although at the pitch of her beauty , she herself was more unaware of it than at any other time .
25 Yet , I am not writing about him for the above reasons , it 's rather on account of an unlikely weakness of his than for one of his many strengths .
26 You do not enter into any details respecting the Voyage , where you are resident etc. in fact I gleaned more information on these points from one of Gilbert 's Letters to a friend of his than from all 3 of yours — We are , however , delighted to find your expedition progressing so satisfactorily and anxiously hope it may continue to do so . ’
27 It holds more true of some of us than of others , that in the struggle to make it new we are writing the same book all our lives ; and with Dostoevsky this truth is very true .
28 The urge to succeed and be competitive was stronger in some of us than in others , and although the section was theoretically united there was a faction which stood apart from the rest .
29 I feel almost more sorry for you than for any , for you have let your heart entwine itself so round mine that the shock to you will be very great ; take care that you be not too much overcome .
30 That 's what I mean by things being different for you than for me . ’
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