Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] out of " in BNC.

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1 Mr Hartling 's predecessor , Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan , avoided such pitfalls by simply chartering private jets and paying for them out of his not inconsiderable private coffers .
2 ‘ After all , you would be paying for them out of your own pocket .
3 The new consumer durables ( TV , washing machines , refrigerators ) were much in demand , and it made sound economic sense to enjoy the use and benefit of such things at once and pay for them out of rising real incomes .
4 Most people old enough to be expected to pay for them out of their own pockets regard the price of games cartridges as outrageous , but Nintendo Co is raising the prices of new software titles sold in the US by roughly 20% to offset the impact of Japan 's ever-rising yen .
5 2.17 This exercise has been described in a different way by Lord Diplock in Mallett v McMonagle [ 1970 ] AC 166 at p174 : The purpose of an award of damages under the Fatal Accidents Act is to provide the widow and other dependants of the deceased with a capital sum , which , with prudent management , will be sufficient to supply them with material benefits of the same standards and duration as would have been provided for them out of the earnings of the deceased had he not been killed by the tortious act of the defendant , credit being given for the value of any material benefits which will accrue to them ( otherwise than as the fruits of insurance ) as a result of his death .
6 I kicked the slippers that were there waiting for me out of the way and then we saw her standing with her back to the fire .
7 The fire was built up higher than usual to guide them back to the camp , but also , Riven thought , because they were imagining the packs of grypesh coming after them out of the heights of the hills .
8 He made nothing for himself out of the plunder of the Church lands .
9 This charge against Latimer was almost certainly baseless , though it is more difficult to assess whether he had made undue profits for himself out of the campaign in Brittany .
10 Ben Hesketh had clearly done well for himself out of his antiques business .
11 It seemed , in fact , that Cecil 's house belonged to my father , who made a cave for himself out of its damp and its wood , the sweet musk of its corners .
12 Phil Silvers had made an institution for himself out of the rank of an army sergeant .
13 A white Volkswagen Beetle crawled towards me out of the fog and passed by on the left .
14 I lay on my back and tiredness came spinning towards me in widening circles as the white beach and whiskery grasses had come spinning towards me out of the night .
15 It came moaning towards them out of the blackness .
16 At the side of the road , he raised an arm as if to hail a taxi , but it was the sleek black BMW they had travelled in the night before that came pulling towards them out of the traffic .
17 A large sign swooped towards them out of the night , its message glowing luminously in the beam of the headlights .
18 And he ran past me out of the room .
19 ‘ Next thing I knew Mr. Household was rushing past me out of the door .
20 Richards 's share was rather larger , 93 to be precise , the fourteen overs yielding 106 runs as Richards hammered 21 fours and five sixes — one of them out of the ground — in all , for 189 not out off 170 balls .
21 If ‘ that bloody woman ’ had heard him utter such a curse , she would have ripped into him with a piece of her mind , then he would have whipped her with his tongue , then this sop of a man before him would have got between them , and afore you knew it , there would be a full-scale war waging — and in the heat of the moment he might foolishly betray his devious plans to boot the lot of them out of his house and out of his life .
22 Fear has driven many of them out of the job .
23 Unlike the Liberal and Labour parties , which would suffocate my farmers to extinction with an endless stream of unnecessary and unreasonable controls over every aspect of production , thereby putting many of them out of business , the Conservative Government have appreciated the need to protect the environment while giving proper priority to the needs of the agricultural community to remain economically viable .
24 In the end Bartocci solved the problem by shooing both of them out of the office and leading Zen downstairs .
25 Foster , frustrated by a number of near misses and a dropped catch , turned to take his anger out on the stumps , kicking two of them out of the ground .
26 I was , I was in the loo and erm they were , they went into the office and I could hear this rummaging of paper and I thought they 've got a club book , I did n't think any more of it , and when I came out they got , both of them out of the boxes .
27 You ca n't get many of them out of sea surely
28 Oh charming , I see , since when did you last chucked one of yours out of the beasties .
29 ‘ I was always a bad correspondent , ’ berated Lear , ‘ but surely you are still more unconscientious , for when I do write , you answer me by a short scrawl — only one word of which out of every 2d can I decipher , & I have kept your last and only epistle to see if I ca n't sell it as an ancient hieroglyphic . ’
30 but fifty seven of you out of sixty three car owners have been in an accident , is that , yes
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