Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not for nothing that scabies is commonly known as the itch .
2 Does it count for nothing that Romania , according to her own claims , has repaid her entire hard currency debt and made future borrowing from the West illegal ?
3 These ways are often referred to as vehicles or methods in public relations practice , because it is through them that messages may be sent to consumers .
4 It was for them that Paul Rotha spoke when he declared : ‘ The dialogue film , at its best , can only be a poor substitute for the stage . ’
5 Thus it is important for them that commitments to work , once they are given , are honoured .
6 A look passed between them that Isabel , braced for the blow and hardly daring to breathe , could n't decipher .
7 It was a term of the contract between them that Jones would procure his wife to grant a mortgage over her separate property to secure £1,000 of the debt .
8 For her , there were the children growing up , for both of us there was work , and for me that Egypt for which many of us who have known it feel a perpetual nostalgia .
9 Indeed , here is a reminder that Christmas can only be understood in the light of later events , can only be discovered in all its wonderful freshness and life when we discover for ourselves that Jesus is the human face of God .
10 I called after her that Jean-Claude was not at home but that I would find him .
11 The reason Jake had had a change of heart was because he had finally realised for himself that Janice would not make a good mother for Kirsty , and that Shiona , on the other hand , would .
12 I was so offended by her behaviour towards me that tears came to my eyes .
13 The white Gulfstream One executed a perfect landing but it was only when it taxied towards them that Whitlock saw the blue , red and white Zimbalan flag painted on the side of the fuselage with the words ‘ Air Zimbala ’ above it in black lettering .
14 A small figure was seated beside the trainer and it was only when the two men got out of the car and walked briskly towards them that Kelly saw that it was Cy McCray .
15 I assure the grim-faced surgeons in front of me that representations will be made to the shipping line on our return to Cairo , and that , meanwhile , the Captain and I will , after appropriate consultation , revamp the menus .
16 And it was just after he 'd flicked through one of them that Detective Constable Hodges ( blast his eyes ! ) had come in , walked over to the newspaper stall , and picked up the top copy but one from the Daily Mirror pile .
17 It was perhaps fortunate for both of them that Mr Toogood was in America and Mr Shelve was at home in Haslemere with influenza , but publishers had to go to America and they were also as likely as anyone else to catch influenza , Penelope explained .
18 She came downstairs , hung on the wall a portrait of himself that Robin had painted , and his easel below it ; and gave orders that they were not to be removed .
19 There were aspects of himself that Minton could not look at but Lucian Freud did .
20 When he entered his house , he saw the portrait of himself that Basil Hallward had painted .
21 Clearly then , while the ancestral voices prophesying war indicates something revealing of Kubla Khan , and ultimately Coleridge 's psyche , this is not a facet of himself that Coleridge would consciously revel in , as the utter wretchedness of the Pains of Sleep , bears witness to .
22 None of these expressions implies of itself that God as God suffers as we do , still less , as is suggested in Margaret Spufford 's quotation from The Man on a Donkey , in her book Celebration that He renders Himself ‘ powerless against the free and evil wills of men ’ .
23 Blending indissolubly with the untamed forces of hostile nature , the witch becomes the vicious foe of everything that society approves .
24 In spite of everything that history had thrown at them since then the Kaszubes had remained in their chosen place .
25 It was Bavaria that provided the Catholic leadership of the Counter-Reformation in Germany , yet as we have seen the young Lassus was capable of composing not only Masses approved by the reforming cardinals but others in flagrant disregard of everything that Trent stood for ( see p. 245 ) .
26 Stern 's ironic and humane gaze can stand as a tiny but glowing symbol of everything that Britain gained from his generation of migrants .
27 The barrage of criticism that greeted the consultative paper persuaded both Ministers and mandarins of something that schools and parents had known experientially all along ; that the problem of curriculum planning is not deciding what to put in , but what to leave out .
28 Erm , so the , that that seems to be getting towards something that Freud is saying , another aspe aspect of this which is the compulsive aspect , the feeling that you got ta keep doing it .
29 He paused dramatically , gazing so intently at each child below him that Sam thought he must be scanning their heads for lice .
30 Schüssler Fiorenza has shown in an impressive way in In Memory of Her that women 's contribution to the life of the church was not so marginal as has often been assumed .
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