Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be to " in BNC.

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1 The young Edward Fitzgerald , who became a sceptic , wrote to his friend Thackeray , ‘ I think the evidence for them is to be doubted .
2 The unifying factor between them was to be dynastic and personal .
3 But much more important for me was to be exposed to the experience of people working with the poor in the Third World whose suffering results from debt .
4 ‘ Hell 's teeth , Fabia , the least you could have done for me was to … ’
5 Under the deal , the implementing contract for which was to be negotiated over the following 12 months , enriched uranium reportedly totalling 500 tonnes would be sold by Russia for hard currency needed to complete urgent repairs to its nuclear power plants .
6 With effect from March 7 , small businesses with up to 20 staff could operate within a largely free-enterprise regime , precise rules for which were to be formulated by a new National Committee for Small Enterprises .
7 I shall draw up a rota of ministers , each of whom is to be referred to in turn as ‘ the next leader of the Tory Party ’ , thus destroying their careers .
8 Cramped accommodation was found in the Louvre for six students , each of whom was to be paid an annual stipend of 1,000 livres , a director and later a secretary .
9 By 1802 John Wayland — a member of a famous Frome family , some of whom were to be very eminent in Baptist circles in America — was the new owner , and rates on it cost him 4d. ; lucky old Mrs. Muir , then , who had taken over by 1804 , and was only charged half the price …
10 In a contested election , however , it was impossible to do much with direct patronage , even if such were available , for there was never enough to do more than grease the palms of a handful of venal men , most of whom were to be found in the burgh councils .
11 The pact also provided for 300 UN guards , all but a handful of whom were to be stationed in northern Iraq , and an unspecified number of aid workers .
12 ‘ In return for a cessation of violence , amnesties have been granted to the Furs and a number of them are to be co-opted onto the Government .
13 Some of them are to be found in Checkmate when the Red Pawns pick their way from square to square , whilst their Queen guides her King to his throne with tender steps .
14 There are vast differences between the two , of course ; but not all of them are to the latter 's credit .
15 The ‘ Executive ’ formulates policies , procures the passing of the necessary laws , puts the policies into effect and even , on occasion , determines the mode , if any , in which disputes arising out of them are to be determined .
16 Few of them are to be found in the top echelons of racing .
17 Molecular evidence has shown that the old concept of great apes ( family Pongidae ) , as distinct from humans ( family Hominidae ) , is no longer valid because the African apes and humans are more closely related to each other than any of them are to the orang-utan .
18 In such circumstances it is absolutely necessary that the school should have an admissions policy of some kind in order to select from all those who have expressed such preference which of them are to be accepted and which rejected .
19 Most of them are to be found in a narrow range of occupations and over half are office or secretarial workers [ see Table 2.5 ] .
20 I think every , all the benefits should definitely be means tested , I know that most of them are to a degree .
21 Most of them are to be found in southern and Mediterranean Europe , an area in terms of its society and institutions closer to France than to Prussia or Russia .
22 Though most of them are to my boring straight tastes profoundly unerotic , the process is interesting none the less and I have a new hero : the Earl of Rochester .
23 I tell her of my travels , although none of them is to a place you could easily find on a map , and of the people I have met .
24 If a taxpayer has two residences he can elect which of them is to be treated as his main residence ( s222(5) ) for the purpose of the exemption and notwithstanding the terms of the above concession the husband can avoid difficulty if he makes a positive election .
25 If we count cities of over 500,000 inhabitants as ‘ big ’ , fourteen out of twenty-three of them were to be found in five countries , the United Kingdom ( 6 ) , Germany ( 3 ) , France ( 3 ) , Belgium ( 1 ) and Holland ( 1 ) .
26 In addition the DHSS would not agree to supply updates free of charge , so after much discussion three DHSS manuals were chosen but none of them was to be updated .
27 One of them was to actually limit the amount of things that Parliament can pass laws about .
28 The fundamental question , as posed by Foucault , is how is it that in our society sex is seen not just as a means of biological reproduction nor a source of harmless pleasure , but , on the contrary , has come to be seen as the central part of our being , the privileged site in which the truth of ourselves is to be found ?
29 New directors led by chairman Roy Barber , a company doctor , have now been installed at la Grande Arche and have ordered an independent review of its properties , some of which are to be sold .
30 On the other hand their impact is very considerable in the market for monographs , quality children 's books , and hardback fiction ( 90 % of the sales of which are to public libraries ) .
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