Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 Last one this is the these are reports incidentally by er European doctors working in China at the time Another desperate case that we treated for nothing was that of a young man who looked like a skeleton .
2 Not for nothing were such power stations described as ‘ brick cathedrals ’ ; Bankside is the finest manifestation of this tradition .
3 What you can do about them is another matter which we shall deal with .
4 The good news for everyone is that aerobic walking has the greatest effect around the hips and thighs where fat tends to accumulate , particularly in women .
5 For whom is this a level of meaning ?
6 The main difference between them is that private media are used mainly to transmit commercial data and documents , often under conditions of extreme security , while public ( mass ) media are used mainly to broadcast ‘ entertainment ’ , always under conditions of the greatest visibility to the paying public .
7 When the practical rules applicable to sale and exchange are interchangeable , to distinguish between them is little more than a scholastic exercise .
8 The bond which grows up between them is some compensation for giving up mother .
9 In Judaeo-Christian tradition , the antithesis between them is another manifestation of the conflict dating back to Cain and Abel .
10 Bürger in such a context would assimilate both ‘ realist ’ and ‘ modernist ’ art to autonomous and bourgeois art , the only distinction between them being that modernism with its inaccessibility and greater cult of the creator is even more autonomous , more ‘ auratic ’ , than realism .
11 Although the margin between them was fewer than 3,000 votes — Brown polled 37 per cent , Clinton 36 per cent and Tsongas ( despite his withdrawal ) won 20 per cent — the symbolic importance of the loss was considerable .
12 The trouble for me is that — as happens with so many western writers on eastern topographical themes — it feels grafted on , retrospectively interpreted to give a quasi-authentic mystico-intellectual gloss , rather than profoundly integrated , even throughout what St. Augustine terms the ‘ vital dimension of approach . ’
13 There er twenty one Sharon and I think that might be a bit on the generous side so you 've got to come back next and do the weather forecast for me is that all right ?
14 ‘ If it cheers you any , be assured that the depth of feeling you hold for me is more than returned in kind . ’
15 The most vulnerable areas of working time for me are those of contact with pupils and curriculum development .
16 The best track for me was This Feeling a clear and intricate guitar backing , topped with haunting melodious vocals .
17 In this sense Thru marks a break with Out , Such , and Between which are all , in one way or another , attempts to create a textual equivalent of the experience of a single consciousness .
18 Where the parenthetical term in ( 7–38 ) is positive ( sufficient conditions for which are that or the gross factor price of capital in the corporate sector rises ( falls ) , and this increases the equilibrium firm size where fixed costs are relatively capital-intensive ( ) .
19 To make sure that the job was done properly , Mr Lobov appointed three new deputy ministers , two of whom are former deputy chairmen of Gosplan , the Soviet central-planning agency .
20 IMS has already started to recruit engineers for the Livingston operation , many of whom are former Ferranti employees .
21 The Azanian People 's Organization ( AZAPO ) held its congress on March 3 , 1990 , when the 1,000 members present elected a new central committee , most of whom were former Robben Island prisoners , and elected Humeleng Mosala , a theology lecturer at the University of Cape Town , as the organization 's new president .
22 The COB accused Paz Zamora of giving in to United States pressure and reneging on an election promise that crop substitution measures would remain the central strategy to eradicate the growing of coca crops by 60,000 peasant farmers , many of whom were former tin miners made redundant as a result of the collapse of the international price of tin .
23 Among those freed were Col. Luisito Sanchez and Capt. Danilo Lim , both of whom were former members of the elite First Scout Ranger regiment which , in 1989 , had occupied Manila 's financial district for a week during a failed coup attempt .
24 Their following was probably quite small in England , but the Jacobite Court which was established at St Germain-en-Laye near Paris was dominated by them , many of whom were former Catholic servants of the King .
25 A lot clearer could be erm , let's say bystanders , bystanders three , two of whom were half listening .
26 Opposite them were another retired couple , a teacher and his wife , the Gothards .
27 ‘ I know your opinion of me is less than nothing , but do you truly think your cousin would continue to be my — er — lover , now that he knows I 'm engaged to you ? ’
28 I ca n't remember any of the country because of me being such a young age , but my sister remembers more than I as she is older than myself .
29 of them are such dickheads
30 Now North Yorkshire County Council er I think in their statement look to erm to existing market towns to provide what little evidence they can up to justify fourteen hundred dwellings , er I think that 's again a simplistic approach because by definition the market now can seal them up wider catchment area , many of them are some distance from York , and the settlements concerned provide a service base for a number of surrounding villages , and therefore the actual specialities and services found within that particular settlement are greater than one would achieve if it did not have a large catchment area .
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