Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] have at " in BNC.

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1 At many clubs it is compulsory for everyone to have at least one dual flight at the beginning of the season before flying solo again .
2 The trio — all of whom had at one time endured menial jobs in factories , Stock making gaskets , Aitken fizzy drinks and Waterman manufacturing telephone dials — were now at the helm of the 1980 ’ s most phenomenal Hit Factory .
3 Similar letters were addressed to A and to the company , neither of whom had at that time been charged with any offence under the Act .
4 Elena Mederos , Minister of Social Welfare , Luis Orlando Rodriguez , Minister of the Interior , Angel Fernández at the Ministry of Justice and Sori Maríin at the Ministry of Agriculture , all of whom had at least partially opposed the Agrarian Reform , were also replaced ( Thomas : 1977 , p. 447 ) .
5 They seem to have disregarded one immediately evident aspect of Mr Fraser 's life ; it being Fair Day at Strichen he had guests at lunch , one of whom had at least been sufficiently energetic to have attended a lecture Dr Johnson gave at Lichfield .
6 The ladies murmured reluctant agreement , since most of them had at one time or another tried to oust her from at least one of the appointments which they themselves coveted .
7 A further survey of men in the Camberwell Reception Centre one night in 1965 found that a quarter of them had at one time been in mental hospitals and a further quarter were heavily dependent on alcohol .
8 The validity of decisions taken by the partners may depend upon all of them having at least received notice of a partners ' meeting or upon one or more of them having been duly informed of action to be taken against them by their co-partners .
9 Nevertheless , most of them have at least some adverse consequences .
10 But the central point is that we need firmly to shift out of the mode of thinking that assumes that at pensionable age most people become useless burdens ; to realize that most of them have at least as much to offer as many people in their twenties , and hence actively seek ways to use their abilities positively .
11 Choose from several comfortable town-centre hotels , all of which have at least 3 Crowns .
12 All of us have at one time or another contributed to the Great Bores of Today , with our moans of the other night when we sat down to watch television and ‘ there was nothing on ’ .
13 We have the freedom to travel nearly anywhere in the world , English is a language that is widely spoken and understood , most of us have at least a basic secondary education and we have the training resources and ability to go , we do not take full advantage of it .
14 Now time rules our lives , most of us have at least one , if not two , clocks in every room .
15 Say YES today — every one of us has at least one special gift .
16 Something like they have at Chapel .
17 That implies the establishment of some form of institute — if that is not too grandiose a word — some form of organisation , more permanent than a one week ad hoc seminar , such as we have at present .
18 Respectable journals which reckoned to cover the whole of science refused to publish psychical research ; reports and discussions of it were unwelcome at meetings of scientific societies ; and involvement in it had at best an ambiguous effect on a scientist 's career .
19 I did choose it in my first book , The Selfish Gene , so I thought that here I would fly a kite for a somewhat less-fashionable theory ( although it recently has started gaining ground ) , which seems to me to have at least a sporting chance of being right .
20 The Labour Party has become a power in the land owing to its having at its back a large mass of the voting strength of the country .
21 The audiocassette and the videocassette have made it possible for us to have at hand and easily transport unlimited numbers of programmes in voice and vision , whether for instruction or entertainment , for a more complete understanding of news and information , or for the appreciation of beauty and artistry .
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