Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He stopped , waiting for armed Twenty-fourthers to swarm out of every window , demanding to know why Robert was proposing to barge in on their most secret and important ceremony .
2 An Edinburgh man who 's fought for eight years to overturn a conviction for armed robbery says he 's prepared to go the European Court of Human Rights .
3 I do n't think Lawrence got any convictions for armed robbery has he , or that there are any subsequently ?
4 She wrote that a woman who had been a comp for eleven years had told her that the subject of a union had never been mentioned to her before .
5 The woman driver of the hired van who 's British but has ben living in france for eleven years had apparently driven a mile on the wrong side of the road .
6 Advance payment bonds : Many export contracts contain provisions for advance payments to meet the exporter 's costs .
7 The rules for advance disclosure do not , of course , apply to ex parte applications .
8 In view of the limited time available before the scheduled date for Advance Data Capture for Council Tax purposes I will ask my secretary to set up a meeting to discuss this document and Council Tax structures and staffing levels in a couple of weeks time .
9 It is hard for foster parents to cope with very demanding and disturbed children and no less hard to part with them once they have learnt to love them .
10 You depict rare occurrences — like Westerners paying for foster children to visit their affluent country — as a major problem .
11 Mad rumours circulate about Croatian doctors determined to murder them .
12 From September 1981 the music course for professional performers has qualified for mandatory awards , the Welsh College of Music and Drama being one of a small number of specialist music centres in the UK to be so designated .
13 There were thriving professional leagues in most of the countries taking part , continental cup competitions were being born in both Europe and South America and the improvements in travel were creating opportunities for professional players to move beyond their national boundaries .
14 However , case conferences are not just a forum for professional decision making .
15 Closed windows and doors help to contain smoke and flames for about 20 minutes , and as inhaled smoke can immobilise people who are attempting to escape , these vital minutes may permit a more orderly evacuation from other parts of the building , and simultaneously allow time for professional help to arrive .
16 The first Kodak ISO 400 reversal film for professional photographers has the speed required for fast shooting in low light conditions .
17 The first Kodak ISO 400 reversal film for professional photographers has the speed required for fast shooting in low light conditions .
18 In this chapter and others , we describe and comment on the strategies for professional development adopted and/or commended , ranging from day-to-day collaboration in the classroom , as discussed above , to whole-school strategies such as those explored in Chapters 3 and 6 , and LEA courses and the work of advisers which we consider in Chapter 7 .
19 The aim was to provide a facility for professional women to meet on a regular basis , exchange ideas and experiences and discuss topics of mutual interest .
20 For example , in at least one rural area , we have heard of a tendency for professional people to send their children to the nearby town or another village school if they feel their own village school is unsatisfactory . ’
21 The importance of the level of expertise for professional power has led some writers to make a distinction between professions and semi-professions , with doctors and lawyers in the former category but social workers and teachers in the latter .
22 These interpretations can be reviewed and considered in the light of the aims of the self-advocacy movement , with the question being posed — does this interpretation of normalisation and the implications for professional practice appear to support and facilitate the open-ended processes of growth emerging from the advocacy movements ?
23 It seems clear that in a number of places the word for professional soldier has been misunderstood as meaning " thousand " .
24 ( Dixon 1984 : 38–9 ) As a consequence of this incident ( and no doubt others like it ) , the Australian Institute for Aboriginal Studies has laid down ethical guidelines and imposed strict conditions upon research grant applicants , including linguists .
25 The Regional Sports Councils ' resources consist of MONEY ( through regional participation grants for specific projects ) , INFLUENCE ( brought to bear on other agencies ) and TIME ( in terms of sports council personnel ) .
26 It is less easy to see it working for low-information products like , say , custard powder — though the popularity of recipes in food ads suggests at least one justification for longer copy even here .
27 Disadvantages include handwriting as an obstruction to understanding , the element of personal ‘ ownership ’ which discourages the release of the book to some central point at the time of completion and so the sharing of data therein ; the primitive linking of support data ( anything from staples to sticky tape ) with the accompanying disincentive to completeness and tendency to data loss ( e.g. through sticky tape perishing ) ; some support data presented even more of a problem , such as photographs and outsize computer print out which led to separate support folders to the actual laboratory notebook .
28 The teacher 's comment reflects her conviction that the impetus for collaborative learning arises from the processes of the task , rather than its structure .
29 Lot number twenty twenty is a quantity of stands there we are , we 've got a sample showing for you just a sample showing fifty for the lot the whole lot there for fifty pounds at fifty pounds want them for fifty pounds thank you sir , fifty pounds I 've got , at fifty five going on fifty five , sixty pounds , sixty five coming in sir ?
30 The descant accompanying it for fifty years had been one of complaint .
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