Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] this be " in BNC.

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1 And surely our reasons for allowing this are close to those suggested by the tripartite definition ; he has the right answer , and not by luck .
2 Our framework for understanding this is , as with social distance , based firmly within the literature of second language learning .
3 Section 38(1) allows this : ( I ) if necessary to substantiate a name or address ; ( 2 ) if the custody officer has reasonable grounds for believing this is necessary : ( i ) for the suspect 's own protection ; ( ii ) to prevent him from causing physical injury to any other person ; ( iii ) to prevent loss or damage to property ; ( iv ) to ensure his appearance in court ; ( v ) to prevent interference with the administration of justice or with the investigation of offences ; ( vi ) juveniles can also be detained in custody if the custody officer believes this to be in the juvenile 's own interests .
4 Another way of seeing this is that the event horizon , the boundary of the black hole , is like the edge of a shadow — the shadow of impending doom .
5 so I thought he , he 's changing things he 's saying well I do n't think this is suitable and I do n't think my way of tackling this is suitable because he 's used to dealing with different kids , although they 're a similar age , they 're not very motivated or mighty but they 're more motivated than these kids , but he says like he 'll turned back towards the black board and he 'll be writing and they 're shouting abuse at him , F ing and blinding and he says it makes me so angry because I do n't know the voices well enough to know who 's saying it
6 you know sort of say this is
7 When the policy and administrative costs of checking this are considered , the advantages of in-kind transfer over cash transfer are reduced .
8 One way of understanding this is to view the discourse as proceeding by answering imagined and unspoken questions by the receiver .
9 One way of addressing this is for me to continue to highlight some of the views of colleagues who have not , in the public mind at least , been closely associated with the anti-Federalist cause and several of whom were not , for instance , among the eighty-odd Conservative Members who signed one or both of the ‘ Fresh Start ’ Motions .
10 At the time of writing this is of particular importance as more and more government activities are being provided at a more localised level .
11 A more compact way of writing this is where the components form a square matrix : is called a metric tensor .
12 At the end of training this was achieved .
13 One method of overcoming this is to encourage family members to use ‘ I ’ positioning ( Bowen , 1978 ) in which people are expected to use ‘ I ’ statements when expressing attitudes and feelings .
14 One way of overcoming this is by spinning a large-area sample of the solid in the laser beam , so that any individual spot is irradiated for a short time only , and is able to cool before being brought back into the beam .
15 One way of attempting this was to stuff the mouth with rice along with precious substances consonant with the rank of the deceased .
16 The point of recalling this is , of course , to emphasize that democracy came as an adjunct to the competitive liberal society and state .
17 A useful way of considering this is to use the concept of the dependency ratio , that is the ratio of people who are out of the labour market in relation to those who are in it .
18 One method of demonstrating this is known as the international Eisher effect .
19 Erm , and we put to them they ca n't take a simplistic approach of saying this is what 's to cover the cost in selling from there and that is all that 's available to place people more appropriately in the community .
20 Some of the ways of doing this are more effective , and create less toxic waste , than others , but many of them share a concern with maintenance at the cost of growth .
21 ‘ Better ways of doing this are among the main objectives of PROFIT .
22 Three methods of doing this are : Pump storage .
23 Two possible ways of doing this are now described .
24 The front skid or main wheel will also need to be chocked , and an easy , effective way of doing this is to run the main wheel into a rut in the ground .
25 The object of doing this is both to disguise your foot movement and to make the opponent shift his weight back slightly .
26 The most common way of doing this is to put in a box-shaped insert at the bottom of the bag .
27 One way of doing this is to count the number of days in any month where you were at or below a certain weight .
28 The only way of doing this is to bring a supply of air to an internal lung , and there to extract from it as much oxygen as possible .
29 The FIRST stage in any good export is to find out as much as possible about the foreign market being considered and the most economic way of doing this is from your own base — ‘ the desk research ’ .
30 One way of doing this is to put the mast track further forwards , thus engaging more of the rail .
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