Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [not/n't] know " in BNC.

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1 One reason why John 's air-taxi service was less than successful was his habit of pretending not to know how to fly the plane or , worse , pretending to have forgotten how to land it once he had succeeded in becoming airborne .
2 And the special Gollop poll is changing by the minute , with the usual sprinkling of do n't knows , or in this case , doughnut knows .
3 He believes the people he was was working with did not know how he was running the organisation .
4 The information is duff partly because the polls have not yet found a reliable way to deal with non-voters , or with Do n't Knows ( who may become Do Knows on election day ) .
5 If the person whose liberty is interfered with does not know that the person who constrains him is a constable and believes that he is under attack , he will have the defence that , since he acted in self defence , he committed no assault .
6 Of course she had heard of him — it was impossible for anyone interested in sailing not to know who he was .
7 In do n't know how Dan ever identified out correct slot in the formation .
8 Unfortunately , two of the people I spoke to did n't know there was more than one strip on the race-course and the one who did — a non-pilot — failed to tell me that Newbury was busy building a new runway in the centre of the course .
9 Me and , you and I was in there on do n't know when , years ago .
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