Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] more [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Commissioner of the Garda Siochana for little more than two years in the 1970s , he presided over a force struggling to cope with a surge in urban crime and the spillover violence of the IRA campaign in Northern Ireland .
2 Experiments and modern calculations suggest that the Sutton Hoo type boat could average a speed of 3 knots for little more than six hours , so that a crossing of the North Sea from Holland to East Anglia could have been achieved in about 14 days , although if sails were available the time would be considerably less ( Green 1963 ) .
3 Then , when the truce had run for little more than three years , Richard II was deposed and murdered , his place as king of England being taken by Henry IV , the son of John of Gaunt .
4 I was able to recall perfectly quite long sequences of words even when I was exposed to each for little more than twenty milliseconds .
5 Its circulation never approached the 800,000 target and was about 112,000 when , after little more than six months , the estate agent and local radio entrepreneur , Owen Oyston , who sought to rescue it , closed it down .
6 After little more than two years of marriage , Gabrielle 's experience was a hint of what was to come .
7 I have never needed to watch Joan Crawford for much more than three hours .
8 Kay O'Neill , who lives in the street , said her house was worth much more than one may think at first glance .
9 In addition , the new regulations continued the pre-war advantages for university-provided liberal adult education which further weakened the relative position of the WEA so much so that the Ashby Committee reported that university income for adult education had exceeded £550,000 in 1951–52 in contrast to the WEA 's income of little more than £130,000 for that year .
10 However , by the end of 1978 only 12 companies in the whole of the North West and North East of England had received financial support , amounting to a total of little more than £3 million .
11 I have observed that this species can breed at sizes of little more than 1″ , but I have only seen this happen where a larger adult in my colony has died and been replaced by a young fish .
12 Smart 's nephew and biographer , Christopher Hunter , records the fact that ‘ After an interval of little more than two years , Mr Smart appeared to be pretty well restored ’ .
13 This land of little more than 2m people and 24m sheep , enclosed between China and Russia in an area three times the size of France , had already appealed for emergency food aid to get it through the winter when the worst snows for 50 years hit three provinces in the south-west .
14 When the two amalgamated in 1980 , they had a joint circulation of little more than 600,000 .
15 The population of little more than 7,000 , indicated by the total of only 1,414 taxpayers in 1525 , seems on the low side , and since it has been estimated at 10,625 ( exclusive of aliens ) in 1569 , a figure closer to 10,000 would be more realistic for the 1520s .
16 He has a squad of little more than 15 senior players .
17 For the expenditure of little more than £250,000 per year we have been able to generate extra funds to support and improve patient care within the NHS rising from £9 million in 1988-89 to £50 million last year .
18 This does not mean that nothing was bought and sold in the independent sector , still less that the agricultural producers in it were self-sufficient , though it is probable that a rather high proportion of peasant agriculture was consumed on the peasant holding , or within the narrow limits of a local system of exchange , if only because the food demands of the small cities in so many areas could be supplied from within a radius of little more than one or two dozen miles .
19 Mr Smith took the constituency at the last election by a majority of little more than twelve hundred , but believes his five years as MP will make his seat safe .
20 In the end the team of players from Croxdale , Spennymoor , Ferryhill and Middlesbrough managed a total of 449,350 more than 312 points per minute , but short of the 350-plus average they needed to beat the record .
21 Not a bad idea to remind them of this more than once during the development of an estate ; and remember , acting for either seller or buyer , that on the granting of a long lease of a flat a plan is essential .
22 Ooh I co , ooh I 'm liking the idea of this more and more !
23 An attenuation of latent inhibition with a long interval between exposure and conditioning has not always been found , even in flavour-aversion learning — Nachman and Jones ( 1974 ) and Siegel ( 1974 ) have found the latent inhibition effect to persist in strength at intervals of much more than 3.5 h .
24 In such cases , the ‘ reference ’ collections of the city library are normally divided up into subject departments , each of these more or less autonomous in its selection of materials .
25 The function of executive management is therefore to plan , coordinate and control the work of these more or less autonomous responsibility centres .
26 By the end of 1992 more than 300 people had been involved in ITED , which as applications across the spectrum of working environments , from finance to manufacturing .
27 As for the English speaking , a child of far more than three has no difficulty learning Italian and is so far from being wedded to the tongue he has begun with that he forgets it within a few months so do not say to me that is an obstacle .
28 The only disappointment for chairman Peter Johnson and his board was an attendance of 5,870 more than 2,000 down on Friday 's ladies night crowd .
29 As of 1982 more than 300,000 households still had water with more than 100ug/l lead in their tapwater .
30 Apart from those ‘ directors ’ who are actually directors of the company , the agency business has a disarming weakness for spawning hordes of other more or less high-flown titles — associate directors , senior associate directors ( even ! ) , creative directors , art directors , supervisors , chiefs , group heads , and so on .
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