Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] into a " in BNC.

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1 The consolidation of Europe after 1992 into a coherent socio-economic unit will facilitate the process of defining the relationship between mission and vision .
2 As has been noted , just before Labour 's defeat Gaitskell , himself , was preparing a programme based on a high degree of government intervention — a form of economic planning which had antecedents in Bevin 's earlier hopes of turning the Ministry of Labour into a major policy-making body .
3 Pour equal quantities of each into a tall glass filled with ice .
4 The SDP won an extraordinary by-election success at Crosby in Liverpool in November 1981 , when Shirley Williams turned a Tory majority of 19,000 into an SDP majority of 5,000 .
5 And of course he could use it up in subsequent years , he could move some of this into a P E P .
6 Further contraction of aircraft strength led to the amalgamation of these into a single flight in November 1961 , as Bomber Squadron .
7 So divide that bar into two and then make each one of those into a dotted beat .
8 The growth of rural manufacturing and commercial dealings served to reinforce the integration of both into a single national economy .
9 We have tried to list the connections existing across contributions in this discourse fragment to emphasise the ways speakers make what they 're talking about fit into a framework which represents what we ( as discourse participants ) are talking about in conversational discourse .
10 It was Hirschi ( 1969 ) , however , who developed ideas such as these into a ‘ control theory ’ .
11 One classic er case that only occurred a few years ago and it was way before bonfire night , but erm , people working from home to try and make a little bit of pin money , a young lady had taken on the task of putting sparklers into five into a little bag for a particular manufacturer .
12 Others , such as those into an assault on youths in Holloway and into the ‘ crime-fixing ’ charges against Kent police , almost failed on account of a lack of sufficient police co-operation .
13 Syngman Rhee was born in 1875 into a branch of the royal family but one lacking in wealth .
14 She was born Katharine Appleton in Gravesend in 1948 into a diplomatic family , and remembers herself as ‘ the girl on the reception line ’ at dull diplomatic occasions in various European embassies while her father carried out his duties as an air attache .
15 A dusty-faced boy was now raking the coal and wood from this into a tidy , white pile of ash .
16 A seventeen year old girl was seriously injured when the stolen car she was riding in crashed into a tree .
17 As we read the correspondence we seem to see Dorothy growing out of the gushing flibbertigibbet that she was in 1909 into a person altogether more substantial .
18 Between 1945 and 1970 there were five : in 1948–9 into questions of possible bribery of ministers , chaired by Mr Justice Lynskey ; in 1957–8 into leakage of bank rate , chaired by Lord Justice Parker ; in 1959 into allegations of police assault on a boy , chaired by Lord Sorn ; in 1962–3 into a case of spying in which a minister 's moral behaviour might have been involved , chaired by Lord Radcliffe ; and in 1966–7 into the responsibility for the Aberfan disaster , chaired by Lord Justice Edmund Davies .
19 Even after many of the separate grants were amalgamated in 1958 into a single general grant , government continued to expand its financial support quite rapidly to make it possible for local councils to fulfil the pledges which national parties frequently gave in general elections — to replace slums or old schools , to reduce the size of classes , and much else .
20 Pour millions upon millions into a nation 's health service , it makes no difference : still the people hack and cough and go untended , die for lack of attention , because money no longer represents what it did — labour , skill , concern , capital , organization , involvement .
21 Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was born in 1844 into a pious Protestant family at Rocken in Saxony .
22 Two people were taken to hospital with cuts and facial bruises after the car they were travelling in smashed into a road sign on the A1 western bypass at Lobley Hill , Gateshead , yesterday .
23 The main and most obvious response is departmentalisation — the grouping of a diverse range of functions which nevertheless have something in common into a single central government department .
24 Second , he proposed to turn the budget deficit of 7% of GDP in 1989 into a surplus of 2% of GDP .
25 There was an effective underwater scene which entailed the Girls walking in fours into a lake and appearing to drown .
26 It emerged from Romanesque into a specific style , different from but no less fine than the works of the Renaissance .
27 The second minister was the Reverend Caleb S Laird MA , born in 1851 into a noted Methodist family in Drumshanbo .
28 The difficulty lies principally in that , whereas most scientists and engineers operate in a three-dimensional world capable of reasonable representation on a television screen , the multivariate nature of data analysis goes far beyond this into a space of m dimensions conceivable to the human mind only as an abstraction .
29 As part of Mountain Equipment 's Compak range of garments , the jacket packs down small into a mini bag .
30 As soon hope to catch a particular fish by jumping at random into an ocean .
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