Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [coord] have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Graham was not happy about that and had a dig at me in the press .
2 Erm we 've also , there 's also a bit of homework in there , do you remember that was given out erm one of the early sessions , and you will be expected to have erm thought quite a lot about that and to have worked through that .
3 Boycott stayed over five hours for 70 but had no lengthy support , Botham holed out in the deep when his responsibility as captain was to put his head down , and England never looked as though they were going to make it .
4 It says They talked to their form teacher about this and have formed a tree planting group in school .
5 She added : ‘ We have had so many inquiries about this and have carefully verified it and we want to set their minds at rest . ’
6 I myself did not know anything about this and having checked with Gillyan Ford and all Publicity Assistants , found that they too had had no previous indication of the requirement to scan adverts .
7 Most writers have detected a new sense of purpose in Hollywood after 1933 and have related that to a number of factors .
8 A substitute had been required , therefore , in haste — and Daniel , who had never reached France or Italy after all but had spent the last two years at the London office of the Chartist Northern Star , had seemed as good a choice as any .
9 A total of 2421 singleton boys were born alive during 1907–24 and had their birth weight and either head circumference or both head diameters recorded .
10 Emissions fell by 25 per cent between 1980-85 but have remained stable since .
11 Ted was signed for the Palace by Manager Jack Tresadern from Preston in the summer of 1934 and had a magnificent first season , only prevented from making full appearances by an injury sustained in our Christmas Day fixture at Torquay .
12 Although the famous gallery owner is thinking of retiring and has for some time been searching for an institution to take on his private collection , the title of the event ‘ TransForm ’ is not a veiled reference to his forthcoming conversion from art dealer to museum collector .
13 Even then , it was not free from disaster , and the central and the south-west towers collapsed in a storm of 1210 and had to be rebuilt .
14 Mattan , who had taken over the yellow jersey from Lillywhite in Leicester on Saturday , started yesterday 33 seconds ahead of Lillywhite but had dropped to fourth place overall by the end of the day .
15 Christabel 's grandparents , Jean-Baptiste and Emilie LaMotte , had fled to England in the Terror of 1799 and had settled there , choosing not to return after the fall of Bonaparte .
16 These have a scale of 1:25000 and have just enough detail to the major river features like sharp bends , shallows and islands .
17 By contrast , when she wrote the novel versions of Stolen and To Have and To Hold ( ‘ ghastly title — it was a television title ’ ) , her characters had already been embodied , by other people .
18 The acting was almost a by-product of that and had it not been for a fortuitous advertisement in Cardiff 's Western Mail , it might have remained just that .
19 Erm I think you 've been conscious of that and have made sure the hair has covered the creases up .
20 I never do any of this and have n't any of the underwear either .
21 She was an Irish Catholic woman of twenty-eight and had been married for nearly two years .
22 The leader may also do a lot of listening but have the qualities , lacking in the others , of putting what he hears into an initiative .
23 David , Grant and Stuart are due to complete their studies towards the end of 1995 but have already cleared the first hurdle .
24 But in Bangladesh boys are already producing more than they consume by the age of 10 and have repaid their parents ’ investment in their upbringing by the time they are 15 .
25 Long before , when he was in perfect health , we had watched a television programme concerned with the high cost of dying and had sent for the accompanying booklet , entitled , appropriately , It 's a R.I.P. Off .
26 The antibody to γ-interferon was raised to highly purified natural human γ-interferon and had a neutralising titre against γ-interferon of 1:10000 but had no detectable activity against human alpha or beta interferons .
27 Since they did not understand what the Sign of the Cross meant or the meaning of Our Father , he had started with a simple explanation of these and had told them how important it was to start praying together .
28 Among those who were released , 19 of them serving life sentences , was a prominent lawyer , Pap Cheyassin Secka , who was among those found guilty of complicity in the abortive coup of 1981 and had initially been sentenced to death [ see pp. 31165-66 ; 31684 ; 32957 ] .
29 Born in an Edinburgh tenement in 1937 , he emigrated to the States at the age of 18 and has spent 31 years in the Marine Corps .
30 He began using heroin at the age of 18 and has used it more or less regularly for five years .
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