Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [coord] do " in BNC.

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1 Well why does n't , ca n't he do something about that or does he
2 I think you should wait for that and do n't make any presumptions about the future of the runway .
3 I 'm actually , I am actually , I 've been party , they 've been circulating me with the correspondence of the residents ' association and I am very worried about this but do n't feel , until invited by the residents ' association , that we should do any more .
4 I tried to think about this but did n't succeed .
5 Were you working after that or did you stop working then ?
6 In the primary levels ( two cycles of three years from age six to eleven ) , numbers enrolled showed a decline in the years after 1975 and did not return to the 1975 level until ten years later .
7 But it meant that an important part of Belinda 's work was to be on the alert for this kind of upset and do everything she could to minimise its effect .
8 Okay do you want to make a note of that and do you remember how we did it ?
9 It anticipated that business failures of established companies will continue to rise into the first quarter of 192 and did not expect to see a significant fall in the level of failures for up to 18 months .
10 to get i and do some of this and do these
11 I made the most of this and did lots of work and piano and clarinet practice .
12 ‘ You want some more of this or do n't you ? ’
13 Do you think I ought to finish the ship first of all or do the oil painting ?
14 Consequently he suffered at the polls in the Revolution elections of 1689 and did not enter Parliament until 1690 .
15 The parliamentary façade of Bismarck 's Prussia , the french democracy which had crushed the Revolution of 1848 and did the same to the Paris Commune in 1871 , and even Britain 's constitutional monarchy seemed merely to disguise flagrant injustice .
16 An entry in the charges register disclosed that it was subject to restrictive covenants imposed by a deed of 1883 but did not reveal what those covenants were , because on first registration neither the deed nor a copy or abstract of it had been produced .
17 Born in Devon in 1954 , Andrew Mudge left school at the age of fifteen and did nine years ' service in the Navy before becoming Gardener for the Trust at Castle Drogo where he worked for seven years .
18 I have other varieties of Peckoltia ( p.vermiculata and P.vittata ) and they are in two groups of four and do not show each other a great deal of serious violence , just a little posing and posturing when their territory is encroached .
19 and I was thinking where on earth is there a shop in that sells , sells things like that or do you have to go to a garage and I 'd forgotten that that fruit
20 My wife Carolyn was like that and does all the language teaching in the sandschool then every so often announces a newly learned skill .
21 He had n't meant to lose control like that and did n't really know why he had .
22 I said to her if she did n't make it the first time , let her lend you my hammer she said do n't you talk like that and do n't you let e Geoff hear you !
23 But the majority of policemen and women we encountered were not like this and did not engage in little acts of subterfuge to limit what the field-worker saw or heard because either they had nothing to hide or , more rarely , they were not concerned to conceal it .
24 The Bill was brought forward in response to the outcry from consumers and the industry about the way that , over the years , they have been ripped off by the privatised utilities and the fact that , while the regulators have made a contribution — no one would deny that — they have not done anything like enough and do not have the necessary power or resources to advance consumer interests and issues .
25 We can again feel the wind , the warmth and the cold on our body , which is a new experience for many and does , in some strange way , draw one closer to Nature for that reason alone .
26 Shall we co continue with that or do you want
27 The guilty party here is mathematics as 72 does not divide nicely into 300 nor does 300 divide into either 1270 or 2540 .
28 ‘ I think it is fair to say ’ , mused Abrams , that everyone involved in the RIG ( the Restricted Inter-agency Group that met regularly to discuss policy in Latin America ) knew that Ollie was somehow connected with this but did n't know why …
29 so it was n't the fact I was trying to lose too much speed , it was that I changed into first and did n't have
30 Matadial 's statement of 12 January 1987 , like her deposition , did not mention the conversations in 1986 but did refer to that of 9 January 1987 , but her account in the statement of her telephone call on 11 January was that , when her husband gave her the receiver , she recognised the voice of the defendant who said , ‘ I have just shot Paulette .
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