Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun prp] that " in BNC.

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1 For each SPR that appears in the structured listing , the second part of the report will list :
2 Alternatively , for each SSR that appears in the structured listing , the second part of the report will list :
3 Chief Insp John McLean , deputy sub division officer at Saracen police office , said : ‘ Nobody will have the excuse after 1 March that they did not know the campaign was under way . ’
4 She tried to guess what he might have found out about Sabine Jourdain that did not hinge on her death .
5 It has been brought to the attention of the Montgomeryshire Branch of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales that the Committee will be considering licenses for these two public houses on Tuesday 20th April .
6 Next trip , on April 9 , by the CO , was to be Sugar 's last daylight sortie when it was one of forty Lancasters that attacked oil storage tanks at Hamburg .
7 So taken was I with this vision of perfect Iceland that I did not realise that I had walked into a skua colony , not , that is , until one fearless great skua hit me .
8 It is the whole of official Britain that swings behind Labour .
9 The German theologian Rudolf Bultmann ( 1884–1976 ) believed that we need to demythologise the New Testament because demonism was part of the cultural world-view of first-century Palestine that we must reject in order to discover authentic faith ( Bultmann 1953:5 ) .
10 It says a great deal for the language faculty of the Polytechnic of Central London that it not only survived having this vociferous cuckoo of a course in its midst but is planning to repeat it .
11 It is an indication of the slow decline of central Spain that these provinces , once dismissed as a poor region , were now considered as a fortunate Spanish Switzerland where Homeric simplicity was relieved by a certain luxury in eating and drinking .
12 It is well known in the EFTA countries and in those of central Europe that Britain has been perhaps the strongest advocate of enlargement .
13 The donations of Pepin ( 754 ) and Charlemagne ( 774 ) gave the popes the area of central Italy that had fallen to the Lombards , together with the former exarchate of Ravenna and the provinces of Venice and Istria .
14 This is the only area of central Prague that has so suffered .
15 So much evidence , relatively speaking , survives to illustrate Offa 's dealings with the men of Kent and to a lesser extent with the South Saxons and so little to illuminate his relations with the Anglian groups of eastern England that the order of importance of these areas to Offa can easily be inverted .
16 ‘ Coincidentally , we are now seeing coming out of Eastern Europe that same broad attitude being adopted , not only by the democratic socialists and social democratic parties which are emerging in the East , but also amongst the reform wings of the old Communist parties led by a new generation who realise the command economy Stalinist game is completely up .
17 The great growth in Christianity at the present time is in the Third World and those parts of Eastern Europe that are still under atheistic leadership .
18 Among the developed industrial countries generally it was mainly in the former communist societies of Eastern Europe that the repressive functions of the state were still prominent against a similar background of economic planning and provision of welfare services .
19 On 19 May a copy of AFHQ 's " Distone Order " of 17 May that all " dissident Yugoslavs " should be evacuated to Italy was submitted to Gen McCreery who saw it but did not date his initials or order any action .
20 I held up a bottle of Long John that I had brought from Helsinki .
21 But the Mesopotamian Jews had a firm tradition of loyalty to the Seleucids , whereas the Palestinian Jews had become part of the Syrian state only about 200 B.C. The Seleucids gladly used the Mesopotamian Jews as soldiers , and the contribution of the Babylonian Jews to the defence of their city during an enemy attack was regarded as being so famous by the author of II Maccabees that he did not think it necessary to specify the circumstances ( 8.20 ) .
22 I recently heard , too , of a series of short stories featuring a slave detective of Ancient Rome that were popular some fifty years ago .
23 The new set recreated a section of ancient Rome that comprised five streets of fountains , shops , a bakery , a slave market and a chariot repair shop .
24 It seems to have been in the Eastern seaports of colonial America that the fruit acquired its association with hospitality .
25 Nine days later the Queen noted in her diary of 25 March that she had walked ‘ about four miles around the exhibition buildings and so on .
26 First , reports reaching me indicate that many of those LEAs that were not coping have now cleared their backlogs .
27 I see from your appraisal report of 13 December that you have asked for training in two areas , as follows :
28 Corydalia lutea is a native of southern Italy that escaped from gardens many years ago to naturalise on walls near cultivated places .
29 I would agree with the suggestion in your letter of 8 June that it would be good working practice for your association to collect Council Tax from your tenants in the same way as you collected rates in the past .
30 Fleischmann 's hope of 1 March that he would fly out his cells to Harwell had not worked .
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