Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] just " in BNC.

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1 The Christians in the Roman colony at Corinth were notorious for issuing lawsuits just to resolve bitter disputes between one Christian and another ( cf. 1 Cor.
2 And I have g I have paid for English lights just for the sake of a week
3 When they considered social and economic factors they saw themselves as detached scientists just ‘ presenting the facts ’ and not ( as Taft ( 1942 , p. 634 ) put it ) aiming ‘ to determine what is the major social good ’ .
4 Er , that 's I mean , I think if you really , in these cases you have to count them as different words just like I mean maths and physics does n't mean what maths used to mean in English .
5 Furthermore , some interviewees will not wish to talk about painful experiences just for the benefit of a survey interviewer .
6 Tolkien by contrast was pre-eminently aware of his source-texts , like Beowulf , or Snorri 's Edda , or La3amon 's Brut , as the works of individuals like himself , who used old stories for contemporary purposes just as he did .
7 Though Charles the Bald could not evade the type of political problems just outlined , he was predestined neither to success nor to failure .
8 All around the fringe of the urban area there are pockets of land in the ownership of private builders just waiting for the signal to turn from red to amber .
9 One brother of hers , at least , rallied to the cause — Samuel Hasted , younger than his sister , who was a cooper living in Bermuda Street , Stepney , a small row of eight houses just off Commercial Road .
10 ‘ Here , we 're just 10 minutes from the airport , 5 minutes from the motorway and we have a view of the Ochils ( a range of low hills just north of the Firth of Forth which are often dusted with snow in the winter ) to remind us what we 're here for . ’
11 I 've got loads of old boards just lying around .
12 It is just that the type of early-warning signals just discussed will indicate whether the expected improvement in competitive strength and the projected cash flows are likely to be achievable .
13 Background knowledge consists of cautious hypotheses just because that knowledge is well established and considered to be unproblematic .
14 There are plenty of pretty girls just now , the beaches are full of them . ’
15 Erm modern theorists of human rights just start from the position that human rights are of course self evidently inherent in each individual , I 'm thinking for example of erm Nosette In the tradition of , of natural , in the natural law tradition which Locke erm erm shares erm there is a basic position which runs throughout them all and that includes incidentally even Hobbes to the effect that erm we do n't just have rights as individuals , we have rights for a very particular reason .
16 They say the servants prepare food and set his table every day in each of these houses just in case he arrives .
17 Riva is the major resort on this , the largest lake in Italy , and is located at the base of magnificent cliffs just at the point where the River Sarca flows into the lake .
18 It 's to show children of all ages just how ingenious you CAN be with wood , paper , string and a lot of imagination .
19 The last author commented ‘ increasing numbers of Americans have become aware that crime exists in the suites of many corporations just as surely as it exists in the streets of their cities and suburbs ’ .
20 Would you say that if this pattern were to be repeated all through the night we would run out of dry-roasted nuts just before the important watershed of midnight , whereas we would still have a surplus of the ordinary variety ?
21 A broad , flat dish of papery petals just pleading for a visit from passing insects .
22 He was at the mercy of crack-brained adults just the same as they were with crazy Sylvester .
23 It is believed that the campaign was abandoned after direct intervention from ministers , possibly to prevent an embarrassing resurrection of nuclear issues just prior to a general election .
24 On summer evenings there was a sort of magical quality to that view and I will confess to you now I used to waste many precious minutes standing at one of those windows just enchanted by it . ’
25 And when I say the country I do n't mean one of those villages just off the motorway full of people just like us buying Australian Chardonnay from the local wine merchant and the only time you hear an ooo-aarr accent is when you 're listening to the Archers in the bath .
26 The spectacular Botanical Gardens in Edgbaston with their tropical glasshouses , giant lily pool and fantastic palms are set in acres of landscaped grounds just minutes from the city centre .
27 Suddenly , Richard Snell , interspersing half-volleys and long-hops with difficult , late-moving out-swingers , removed both in the space of nine balls just before lunch and the South Africans began to believe in themselves .
28 And he went duly they got married and very fortunately there was a little of twelve acres just in the bottom of the field adjoining .
29 Plenty of small ones just float down through the atmosphere like dust — which , at a tenth of a millimetre across , is pretty much what they are .
30 Call me old-fashioned , but I think a lot of American actors just do a sort of swagger and leave it at that .
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