Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] come " in BNC.

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1 The use of ‘ rabbit ’ for incessant chatter comes from the rhyming slang , ‘ rabbit and pork ’ meaning talk , and the creature itself is so named from Rabbie , the Scottish version of Robert .
2 As that work comes to er fruition , the staff target will be drafted and in fact work is already begun on that , erm but because the reconnaissance capability wo n't be required until fairly late in the replacement programme then there is no particular hurry to get on with the work .
3 The other motivation for European Union came from the newly-freed countries of Central Europe themselves , who favoured it in the knowledge that only a strong Community , closely knit in a European Union , would have the resources and united will to assist them towards eventual EC membership .
4 There is an inherent danger in all this for our clothing industry which is that , unless manufacturers wake up , there will continue to be far more opportunity for European merchandise to come here , and little for ours to get elsewhere .
5 Support for allied action came from South Korea , Taiwan , Thailand , Singapore and the Philippines .
6 Much of Western psychotherapy draws , in various forms , on the catharsis model , whereby it is held as necessary for emotional health to come to terms with the repressed anger that is assumed to be inside the individual , and techniques are developed to make the individual confront these in a dramatic form .
7 She should be longing for that day to come — should be ticking off the seconds till she was free of him again .
8 It was not just enough for God to declare forgiveness but God had to do something in Christ for that forgiveness to come to be .
9 Only a government which really works to promote free enterprise can provide the right conditions for that dream to come true . ’
10 It took a year for that picture to come , you know .
11 In two of the teams the majority of requests for residential care came from health centre staff , while in the third ( the individual specialist ) self and family referrals accounted for most of these .
12 I snarl , but just as I 'm turning about this itch comes
13 Several older women , desperate about this situation came to me for contraceptives ( which I did n't have ) .
14 I heard about some guy came up
15 The dale rocked with mirth for days as the story went the rounds and will probably be retold for another generation to come .
16 No because our training is such that there is n't the officers just would not come into that bedroom at all because there is a threat in there and I 'm dealing with that threat and unless I specifically call for another officer to come and give me a hand there is no need to come in and in fact if anybody had 've done they 'd have been told to get out because I 've got a problem there and that 's my problem .
17 The most important assertion of central control over all aspects of military life made by any government during this period came , however , in the Habsburg Empire .
18 And some of the worst excesses during this period came from Third World governments , such as Sanjay Ghandi 's notorious sterilisation campaign in India in 1976 .
19 But at the end of 1989 Mark 2s were still well in evidence ( particularly the air-conditioned types ) and Mark 1 coaches will still be found on occasional reliefs or specials as well as some daily Network SouthEast locomotive-hauled services ( especially out of Paddington ) for some time to come .
20 Whatever the readers ' perception , Le Monde is changing and will go on doing so for some time to come .
21 Faced with poor trade figures for some time to come , it is an important question .
22 As for apportioning blame for the £215m fraud at International Signal and Control , the Ferranti subsidiary , rumour and speculation abounded as it will for some time to come .
23 Practical problems , such as the lack of exporting systems and expertise in the East will , however , continue to be a difficulty for some time to come .
24 But the Westland affair lingered on for some time to come .
25 Mr Endara , like it or not , is likely to be leaning fairly heavily on the US for some time to come .
26 ‘ These countries are going to go through a period of not only political but also economic instability for some time to come , ’ he says .
27 But a more puritan era of egalitarian austerity could make them a lot shyer — and for some time to come .
28 For this purpose , the work done by the spectrographs , which are less affected by the mirror than are the cameras , is not particularly useful , though it may well provide the greatest scientific interest for some time to come .
29 The 795-page catalogue is worth the journey to Venice by itself , and is likely to remain the layman 's definitive Celtic history book for some time to come .
30 Changing the law on mistake in rape could help to change these social attitudes , even though for some time to come defendants might find themselves charged with rape because of such ingrained attitudes towards women .
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