Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] only just " in BNC.

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1 Yeah well of course only just gone from last bloody night have n't they ?
2 On 4 January 1941 , with the Battle of Britain only just won and the blitz still raging , Edward Hulton 's Picture Post published a special edition under the headline ‘ A Plan for Britain' .
3 We 're off to Scarborough to see the bakery busy preparing edible Pudsey Bears especially for Children in Need only just over a week away now and Jill Pattenden our woman 's health expert is in we 'll be talking about cervical smear tests and Jill can help you with period problems pregnancy child birth menopause contraception do ring us from eleven .
4 Reagan won comfortably , carrying 44 of the 50 states ; but the turn-out was low , and in fact only just over one-quarter of those Americans qualified to vote actually voted for him .
5 I said to Joe only just last night we was chatting about it
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