Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] as an " in BNC.

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1 This is essentially a distinction between assessment as an integral part of the curriculum and assessment which is designed primarily to be a form of communication serving the needs of the outside world .
2 That said I 've also been taken aback by Morrissey 's oddly derogatory remarks about Pakistanis as an 18-year-old and , without dwelling on them , I must say I found such flippant adolescent observations infuriatingly inconsistent with his general world view .
3 ‘ William Joseph C. , a deaf-and-dumb man with venereal disease , was sent to the Infirmary on Saturday last with a certificate , but was sent back as ‘ not a fit patient for admission as an in-patient ’ .
4 Meanwhile , Chancellor Helmut Kohl yesterday described German longing for unity as an historic fact and said those trying to ignore it were making a ‘ serious mistake ’ .
5 The professor will be qualified for election as an official member of the board of the faculty ( which has final authority over the proceedings of its sub-faculties ) , and will be expected to serve from time to time on the various standing and ad hoc committees appointed by the board .
6 In Hereford and Worcestershire , Conservatives control education decisions , but only by the casting vote of the chairman , and HE 'S standing for re-election as an independent in the county elections , because he 's unhappy about
7 Although the by-election victory of Gilles Duceppe , a union organizer and son of Quebec 's best-known actor , increased the group 's parliamentary strength to eight , it remained four short of the 12 members needed for recognition as an official party within the House of Commons .
8 A commentator 's article in the mainland People 's Daily of March 18 welcomed the new programme , especially its proposal for direct postal , trade and shipping services between Taiwan and the mainland , but referred to " quite a few questionable points " , including the Taiwan government 's demand for recognition as an independent and equal political entity , and its preconditions for unification : democracy , free economy , equal society and the rationalization of the armed forces .
9 These include multidisciplinary practices in Scotland , an application by patent agents for litigation rights in the higher courts , an application by the Institute of Licensed Debt Practitioners for recognition as an authorised body under the Courts and Legal Services Act , the proposal issued by EC Commissioner for a new legal entity for the association of liberal professions and the long term selection procedure on entry to the Bar .
10 They thought that he reconciled himself too easily to his position , and that he had developed a taste for exile as an escape from business .
11 Deborah Coles described the testimony of the medical officer responsible for F as an attempt to avoid questions about the justification for F 's treatment .
12 The schools were quick to point out to us that they regarded these figures for truancy as an underestimate .
13 There 's no final conflict , we are assured , between quality and diversity ; between minority and popular art ; between the commercial and subsidised sectors ; between heritage and innovation ; between arts as an economic boost and a spiritual uplift .
14 The son of a Scottish blacksmith who had moved south from Aberdeen , Buchan had played for Arsenal as an amateur in the Woolwich days , until he presented an expenses bill for 11 s , and was suspended for extravagance .
15 Oddly enough , it was not a star of either film who was recalled in speeches at the launch , but Wil Napoleon , who after appearances as an extra in two 1958 films Inn of the Sixth Happiness and The Vikings , always registered as unemployed under the occupation of ‘ film star ’ .
16 With regard to access to Art as a subject in the school curriculum , the Head of Department pointed out that he and his colleagues made special provision for some pupils , asking it if was generally known that pupils who opted not to do Art ( i.e. whose option choices precluded Art ) could still do it after school as an additional subject and that we do get some of them through ( verified note of meeting ) .
17 The ceremony took place in the works canteen during December as an important and established event in the annual calendar of the company .
18 The judges ' case for Vichy as an ‘ authoritarian ’ régime rests on the old argument of German pressure and French passivity .
19 The plaintiffs claim damages from a number of defendants , including the third defendant , under the following heads : ( 1 ) general damages for conspiracy ; ( 2 ) exemplary damages on the basis that the acts complained of were calculated to make a profit for the conspirators or their companies and constituted a cynical disregard for the plaintiffs ' rights ; and ( 3 ) damages for deceit as an alternative to damages for conspiracy .
20 So in the opening scene of The Taming of the Shrew , after the business-like prose conversation of Gremio and Hortensio about Katherine as an obstacle to their wooing Bianca ( I.i.105–45 ) , when Lucentio is left alone with his servant Tranio he moves up to verse to declare his true and romantic love : ‘ Tranio , I burn , I pine , I perish , Tranio ’ ( 148ff . ) .
21 " Restaurant licence " which authorises the supply of alcoholic liquor to persons taking table meals for consumption as an ancillary to the meal in premises which are adapted for habitually providing meals to persons who frequent them , are principally used for providing main meals at mid-day and in the evening , and do not contain a bar counter .
22 The article goes on to refer to whether hard scientific evidence about hypnosis as an aid to the recall of memory can ‘ help the police to use hypnosis safely ’ .
23 Then , in a light haze of vodka in a Toronto hotel room , came the moment that would finally lead to recognition for Nicholson as an actor .
24 It can be argued ( though I do not have space to do it here ) , that there is an incoherence in a view of the subject which regards all notions of unity as an illusion .
25 The concept of play as an activity entered into with delight for its own sake is important for both the theology and the psychology of religion .
26 Whilst the change process was vital to a return to competitiveness and profitability in 1985 , perhaps the most important consequence of the realignment of the early 1980s was the establishment of patterns of managerial organizing geared towards change as an on-going process .
27 Accordingly , the LTQ programme was conceived of as a series of structural realignments and common processual techniques which is embedding a culture of change as an everyday and on-going process rather than for a specific , limited period .
28 It is not the purpose of this book to provide a history of coinage , however brief , but rather to focus on the methods by which coins are studied , for only when these methods are properly understood and applied can we realise the full potential of coins as an aid to interpreting the past .
29 We can regard the statistical argument about numbers of planets as an argument of last resort .
30 Nevertheless it is not common practice to consider the man-machine allocation of function as an isolated design decision .
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