Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] there [be] " in BNC.

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1 To support the foot during play there is a lateral support strap which also ensures that the shoe has a close fit .
2 In order to demonstrate the accountability for policies there is a need to develop quantitative measures that demonstrate that they have been carried out efficiently and effectively .
3 Both Father and Mother had been through difficult times financially in their twenties but Father had founded a fine family business in London which flourished and while both of them were wise and sensible about money there was never any lack of it and funds were available for anything that would widen our horizons and education .
4 During March there were at least 14 pairs of frogs , plus toads ( and spawn ) .
5 During March there were violent protests in a number of areas throughout England over the introduction of the community charge or poll tax , which was to take effect from the beginning of the following month in both England and Wales under the terms of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 [ see p. 36501 ] .
6 For Newton there was no satisfactory account of why the planets should orbit the sun in the same direction and in roughly the same plane : This aesthetically pleasing scheme could only be explained by appealing to God 's initial design .
7 For bedsit there 's a demand for the Chippendales now then
8 For handwriting there are problems not only of spelling errors , but also illegible words .
9 Actually who stayed for mass there was only about thirty .
10 During field-work there was only one incident related to sexual abuse , and this was dealt with by policemen , and while they showed something of a blasé attitude towards it in feeling that the victim was ‘ hardly touched ’ and the offender ‘ did n't do anything anyway ’ ( FN 2/11/87 , pp. 5–6 ) , they pursued the case thoroughly .
11 And for agencies that supply some goods or services for purchase there are the consumers who pay for individual units of collectively provided goods .
12 I did find a place that would take us but for Holmes there were too many interesting species of humans and dogs , for him to get involved in being trained .
13 for physics there is only one true measurement from any one position , and it can be more accurate than ever before ; writing and painting communicate look and feel from a viewpoint with more sophistication than ever before ; with a Cubist vision which constructs reality from the different facets exposed from different angles one is better orientated than ever before .
14 For Hobbes there is no immaterial God , nor are there immaterial souls or minds .
15 ‘ I 've known for ages there was something going on .
16 During term-time there is a surgery each morning and every afternoon except Wednesday .
17 There can be no progress while for sheep there are headage payments which simply prop up our less efficient competitors in mainland Europe .
18 Er during Easter there are probably about five big ones on .
19 When talking about terminology there is a tendency to focus on terms such as noun , verb , etc. , and on isolated features of surface structure ( punctuation , the apostrophe , spelling of individual words , etc . ) .
20 for instance there 's a nice one for
21 For instance there are one million fewer 16 to 19 year olds in 1993 than there were in 1983 — a drop of 28% .
22 He says in Mexico for instance there are communities who depend on it for their livelihood and who benefit from the sale of the wood .
23 For instance there is one chap in the Kintail area who tries to keep the Mountain Rescue team off his land , not just during their exercises but also in times of actual rescues .
24 For instance there is electronic software distribution , an area that Legent reckons is set to explode over the next five years .
25 For instance there is a long , sober and sensible-looking decree about the cult of Hephaistos , moved by Hyperbolus ( IG 182 ) ; ostraka show that Hyperbolus ' father had the good Greek name Antiphanes ( ML p. 46 ) , which refutes ancient charges of slave origin ; and serious policy issues lay behind his ostracism ( p. 139 ) .
26 they created a formidably exhaustive archive of researched material on the game in Nottinghamshire — for instance there is a file on every county player in a cabinet in the library .
27 In the mid to late Sixties for instance there was the playwright Joe Orton .
28 For Bohm there is both a particle ( which we see ) and a separate wave ( which we do not see directly but which creates the strange force on the particle ) .
29 Among the millions who die each year through malnutrition there are many children of the Kingdom .
30 So for Swindon there 's still a long way to go .
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