Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] he give " in BNC.

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1 After a couple of minutes he gave up the attempt , left the tool box by the cottage wall and walked to the edge of the cliff then slithered down to the beach .
2 And then of course he gives classical precedence for this Tireseus , Orpheus , those poets who had magical powers , Homer , who suggests not only frugal diet , but chastity will be the best preparation for the poet who has this task in hand .
3 One of my favourite presidents , Theodore Roosevelt , president from the early part of the twentieth century and known as the damned cowboy erm you might be interested to know how people become president erm Theodore Roosevelt was an arch imperialist and got very excited about the er war with Spain er America had a s little brief war with Spain at the end of the nineteenth century erm over the possession of Cuba , and erm in eighteen ninety eight , and this aroused great patriotic feelings in all red blooded Americans and especially in Theodore Roosevelt and er er Roosevelt formed his own company of cavalry called the Rough Riders and erm Roosevelt wore glasses and was asthmatic but he had this group called the Rough Riders , sort of early kind of Clint Eastwood stuff , and erm anyway he g he was engaged in the war with Spain er and there was one wonderful moment in the war Spain in which the Spaniards were at the top of a hill called the San Juan hill er and er Teddy , as he was known , of course he gave his name to the teddy bear , did you know that did you ?
4 Webb , and others , stressed the amount of work he gave to the poor .
5 More importantly , from a very early age he assisted his father in his optical workshop , and also in the courses of lecture-demonstrations he gave in the recently established Liverpool Mechanics ' Institution .
6 By way of assistance he gave the following example :
7 The role she assumed in his life further limited the amount of attention he gave to female students .
8 One of the first bits of advice he gave the First Church was , ‘ Bend the knee , but not unwisely . ’
9 You know who the first person who knocked on Mrs. Thatcher 's door in the House of Commons at the start of the Falklands War , or when it was being planned , it was Harold Macmillan , offering any advice , you know , if she could use his advice , and the one bit of advice he gave her was appoint a small War Cabinet to deal with it , and she took that advice .
10 Again when Pharaoh makes Joseph vizier of Egypt he gives him special clothes , as does Joseph his brothers to mark his reconciliation with them .
11 With a sudden change of voice he gave a roar , ‘ Bubble and Squeak !
12 As he stepped past Carson he gave a quick , tight smile of acknowledgement .
13 One of a number of examples he gives is ‘ The Silence of the Lambs ’ , released in the West End of London in May , 1991 .
14 In the eyes of that generation of students he gave Liberalism a magic , a faith in the future .
15 Nothing in his IBM Corp background could have prepared him for the kind of speech he gave — in fact had to give , if Taligent is to be seen as the answer to the world 's ills .
16 She accepted the lukewarm mug of coffee he gave her and sipped it .
17 It was Li Chao who first suggested I should have a Chinese name and I was both grateful and honoured when in the course of time he gave me the three-character name of Tdong Lao Fu which meant , literally , ‘ Portrait of Happy Man Climbing Mountain ’ .
18 And I was with Deborah he gave me a hard
19 With relief he gave up trying and allowed Willi to see him out , into the car , and home .
20 During a five-week period in Lent he gave 19 concerts , some at the homes of aristocrats such as Count Johann Esterházy and the Russian Ambassador , Prince Golitsin , and some privately organized by himself .
21 In return he gave them other ground at the rear of the church and also on the right-hand side of the new road and bordering Killicomaine Road .
22 In return he gave Hengist land in Kent where Hengist 's descendants ruled until the late eighth century ( the ‘ Oescinga ’ dynasty ) .
23 In return he gave a short laugh .
24 Immediately on his arrival in England he gave orders for Eleanor 's release from custody .
25 In exasperation he gave up trying to ‘ do ’ anything to reach his goal .
26 In November he gave an address at the Mary Institute ; the ghosts of the past were all around him as he spoke of the door into the schoolyard , the corridors , the whisperings of his enclosed childhood world .
27 Even Christianity , which is in danger of saying that when God ‘ became ’ man in Jesus He gave up all the attributes of divinity , like omnipresence , draws back from saying so , admitting that God ‘ put on ’ or ‘ added ’ humanity to His unchanging divinity during the Incarnation .
28 Yes Jane it has , as luck would have it I was late arriving , had to run through the rain , ran into the main stand and by pure accident ran into the Oxford United dressing room and there was Brian Horton , he said ‘ Hallo Mick , hows the poster Mickey ’ as he always does , and in fact he gave me the team news and that is — Ian Walker makes his senior debut tonight with both Alan injured , also two other changes ; Jackson comes in for Gary Smart and one surprising one , Steve McLaren for Mark Steen .
29 It is probable that in retrospect he gave that factor more weight than it carried at the time .
30 In June he gave two performances in Taipei .
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