Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] to many " in BNC.

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1 Thomas Balogh , who died in 1985 , made numerous contributions to the professional literature of economics , and acted as adviser to many governments .
2 Since then , he has acted as consultant to many of the biggest amp manufacturers in the world .
3 Er and I 'm quite sure there 'll be quite a bit of change to many of our procedures .
4 ‘ We aim to do a lot of mobile meandering across the other countries of the Continent , further visits to the USA and of course to many other corners of this country , ’ said Roy .
5 It was full of extremes : a success story that left the winner dissatisfied , a source of pleasure to many thousands of people while he experienced misery as well delight .
6 The hon. Member for Oldham , West may giggle , but £30,000 is riches beyond the dreams of avarice to many of the people whom he claims to represent .
7 Avionics now forms a substantial part of modern aircraft systems and the introduction of BITE to many of these has helped to reduce the number and types of diagnostic check required to determine system operating status .
8 What brought tears of laughter to many eyes was the Irishman 's misinterpretation of Dad 's words .
9 The fact that visiting supporters were allowed in to the same terracing , even though distinctly segregated , was a constant source of irritation to many Oxford fans , and it was often pointed to as an explanation for the occurrence of ‘ bovver ’ .
10 In other war films , however , the purpose is revealed by insistent preachiness , as in Reach for the Sky ( 1956 ) , where the story of Douglas Bader , the determined pilot who , despite losing both his legs in an accident , went on to command the air force during the Battle of Britain , is told as a story that ‘ was not only an example to those in war but is now a source of inspiration to many in peace . ’
11 Done properly , abseiling is safe , fun and gives enjoyment and a sense of achievement to many .
12 The attraction of foquismo to many young , radicalised , middle-class Latin Americans is hard to overestimate , offering as it did the immediacy of a rapid solution and a legitimisation of their participation in the revolutionary process despite their non-proletarian origins .
13 Growth has been inhibited by lack of access to many of the critical technologies , despite the use of plant construction firms as intermediaries .
14 It is a matter of concern to many librarians and researchers that some of these universities , such as Cambridge , hold numbers of high quality theses , containing unpublished work , to which researchers can only gain access by personally visiting the individual university libraries .
15 Another issue of concern to many organisations is the government 's review of the National Health Service .
16 Not only does the increased frequency of pollution hazes in rural and wilderness areas cause dissatisfaction and loss of amenity to many , but they also have the potential for affecting global climate ( refer to section 2.1 ) .
17 A selection of tours to many of the natural wonders of the world .
18 However , what I feel will be of interest to many rose gardeners , bearing in mind the many questions asked , is an explanation of terms like Hybrid Tea , Floribunda , Polyantha , and the rest .
19 A topic of interest to many companies at present is voluntary redundancy .
20 What I have in mind then is a description of the route from a cyclist 's point of view ; distances , gradients , junctions ; alternative routes , eg longer loops for the more adventurous ; cafes , pubs , tearooms , and public places with benches ( because cyclists often like to ‘ eat their piece ’ out in the open ) ; some illustrations of landscapes ( these could either be line drawings based on sketches , or photographs ) ; and perhaps something on the history of the place-names , which is of interest to many cyclists ( eg where did Biggar get its name ? ) .
21 It may be of interest to many , particularly Bennett 's detractors , to know that he disapproved originally of the Main Force having H2S , even the earlier versions .
22 Other unpopular new measures were the deregulation of private rented housing and the ‘ targeting ’ of social security benefits , with disadvantage to many .
23 This is not to say that self-referral must be sought with undue enthusiasm , although facilities for it might be extended with benefit to many youngsters .
24 Chile acquired Peruvian Tarapacá and Bolivian Antofagasta , rich in nitrates , and returned the industry to private hands , leaving the trio with title to many major deposits .
25 A really effective technique for tutors with access to many keyboards is to expect the learners to complete word processed task sheets on screen , and store them on disc for later study , marking and collation .
26 The point we wish to make here should be an obvious one and can of course be made with respect to many of the other items which we have not italicised in the cited texts .
27 The Tables remove the need to list ‘ common subdivisions ’ in each of the many places where they might be applied ; indeed , one list suffices for applications with respect to many different subjects .
28 The Sheffield project will take place in a city with a declining manufacturing base , some moderate growth in the service sector and with similarities to many Northern cities .
29 In response to many stimuli ( such as neurotransmitters , hormones and growth factors ) both InsP 3 and diacylglycerol ( DAG ) are formed by the hydrolysis of an inositol lipid precursor stored in the plasma membrane .
30 Cardinal Glemp was persuaded to recant in meetings with British Jews who , to their credit and in contrast to many of their American compatriots , took the route of quiet persuasion rather than shrill denunciation .
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