Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On a summons issued by solicitors for the interim government of Somalia , the Republic of Somalia was substituted as the plaintiff in the proceedings and directions were given for payment out of the money paid into court to the solicitors instructed by the interim government , unless cause was shown why it should not be so paid out .
2 If the plaintiff fails to give notice of acceptance within the time limited by the rules , he may still give notice at any time before the hearing of the action begins , but an order for payment out of court is then required , and the court may order the plaintiff to pay the defendant 's costs reasonably incurred since the date of payment into court ( Ord 11 , r 5 ) .
3 If an order for costs or additional costs is required to be made , the time for applying is when an application is made for payment out of court .
4 ‘ Mrs. Bihi and the party she represents do not call for payment out to them of the sum presently in court .
5 The essential matter which has been argued before me is whether or not the order for payment out to Crossman Block should now be confirmed .
6 The continued squeeze on defence procurement , combined with a demand for ever-more complex weaponry , has encouraged NATO to think the once-unthinkable : a code of practice for defence companies that should wring better value for money out of what used to be one of the capitalist world 's most protected and pampered industries .
7 We took about £150m out of them over a couple of years . ’
8 We took about £150m out of the operating companies over a couple of years
9 Each team had its own place at the coal seam and was responsible for hewing coal with a pick or drill , loading it into tubs for transportation out of the mine and propping up the roof as they advanced .
10 For presents out of his pocket
11 certainly made a profit for Intercity out of it with
12 Mr Major is by no means out of the woods , and must fight to defend his leadership at a crisis Cabinet meeting to be called early today .
13 He is , of course , exceptional , but his sharp perception of the way in which teachers orient their expectations of black kids and his response to that perception was by no means out of the ordinary .
14 Added to which , the UK was by no means out of line internationally in terms of the proportion of employees in the public sector .
15 In a dish of potatoes and artichokes — another of the local products — they are by no means out of place .
16 He too may be trying to mislead Pooh , by sighing deliberately when ( he believes ) he believes he 's by no means out of thistles .
17 If he finds it necessary to copy , to study the work of other painters , or any way to seek for help out of himself , he may be sure that he has received nothing of that inspiration .
18 ‘ Then Rodney came over and the two of us went into the back yard and saw Siobhan screaming for help out of a bedroom widow . ’
19 No other observer was so close to Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge [ q.v. ] during their most productive years together at Alfoxden and Grasmere ; and no one else had such an eye for the landscapes which inspired them , or could provide them with living materials for poetry out of her own observations .
20 Should one or more of the modules requested for transfer OUT of LIFESPAN be offline , the whole command is held until the modules are restored online .
21 He did n't fancy asking the street prostitutes for directions out of Whitechapel .
22 He blames the crisis on the fact that the museum has been forced to pay for warders out of its own budget , which has meant that the sum of DM300,000 ( £103,000 ; $186,000 ) per year earmarked for acquisitions has been virtually used up .
23 Nisbet and Sadler ( 12 ) further point out that school closure may bring loss of employment , loss of rates through migration out of the district and loss of resources due to disinclination to develop together with decline of existing services such as transport .
24 He had then put the bottle of whisky out on the table , in the hope that after a couple of shots , Pat Milligan 's rage would abate , and they could talk instead about the Red Sox 's chances in next week 's match against the New York Giants .
25 Edward took a bottle of whisky out of his pocket and , unexpectedly , two glasses .
26 At great expense , the organisation sent a team of experts out to Africa to interview the bull .
27 I came out to get myself a drink and stepped on the edge of the bar of the block , taking a big chunk of skin out of my foot .
28 David took two quarter bottles of champagne out of the mini-bar , and collected two tooth mugs .
29 Initially it is likely to get the Sbus versions of Freedom out into the Sparc-compatible market , and says it has already been approached by several of those suppliers .
30 His keyboard must really hate him — when he 's not ignoring it , he 's bashing seven shades of shite out of it .
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