Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] make he " in BNC.

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1 Modigliani 's penetrating artistic judgement and his talent for graphology made him ‘ a sort of magician ’ .
2 He designed for others ( costumes for Diaghilev and embroidery for Schiaparelli ) , but he also ‘ designed ’ himself ; his unquenchable desire for fame and his talent for self-publicity made him the most photographed man in Paris .
3 For those whose chief concern is for Yeats , the book will of course make him seem shadowy and self-deluding , but it will also testify to his conscientiousness and loyalty .
4 Free from injury and in the mood , his vast array of skills make him one of the most feared attackers in the modern game .
5 He was immediately dispatched to the scene , where his energy , intelligence and presence of mind made him the chief decision-taker in the first days after the explosion of reactor number four .
6 It takes a lot of gratuitous cruelty perpetrated in the name of dogma to make him criticize the Party , as when the ‘ Attack the Evil Winds of Capitalism Team ’ tells the old peasant Guo Lao-da to kill the six ‘ capitalist ’ ducks he owns .
7 He was over Charing Cross Road and well into the Square before some instinct of recognition made him look up and see the place which was still the jewel of London , the haven of fantasies , the last known post of security , the Crystal Rooms .
8 Arnold was of Tom Arnold 's circus , and his post as the vice-chairman of the party in charge of candidates made him a target of all those who were eager to stand for Parliament .
9 He studied medicine for two years but the sight of blood made him sick so , always a lover of shopping , he defected to the world of retail .
10 But an irritating and inopportune appearance of honour made him hesitate to benefit from her rejection by Alfred at least for tonight .
11 But he did not know himself what it was and the impossibility of explaining made him turn his head at last and look across at the bright , rectangular picture Doyle was holding out .
12 His lack of possessiveness made him fearless .
13 Darwin himself had little sympathy for these ideas and not much , personally , for Spencer , though he did once say — I quote Burrow ( p. 182 ) — ‘ in a moment of enthusiasm … that Spencer 's Principles of Biology made him feel that he ‘ is about a dozen times my superior ’ , and thought that Spencer might one day be regarded as the equal of Descartes and Leibniz , rather spoiling the effect by adding , ‘ about whom , however , I know very little ’ ’ .
14 The story is , that in bygone days before the advent of the white man , there was a young Siwash Indian whose ardent love of nature made him come to that point of land on the inlet every day to watch the sunset .
15 The outbreak of war made him more restless .
16 The experience of war made him question both the metaphysical assumption of an impassible God , and the hortatory patriotic moralism of many contemporary churchmen and political leaders .
17 The experience which Anderson gained while working directly for the newly independent governments of Africa made him uniquely well placed for his second career , in the field of development co-operation .
18 It took a long talk from one of the Sisters of Charity to make him realise that God had given him the gift of his voice and he was to use his gift with religion to help these people .
19 Thinking of Lee made him remember Uncle Walter 's medals that he still had in his pocket .
20 The creak of a pump-handle and the answering gush of water made him feel his own thirst and taste his tongue 's rancid dryness .
21 Hence he is always saying ‘ I do n't believe it ’ His sense of despair makes him seem very cynical , although he is really quite a sensitive soul .
22 Although tolerant of the religious beliefs of others , his belief in the work ethic and his intolerance of alcohol made him insist on a stern regime for others .
23 The gaekwar of Baroda made him diwan in 1873 but Naoroji left after thirteen unhappy months .
24 He has always looked a chaser and his unexpected achievements over flimsy flights of timber make him a most exciting prospect .
25 The recurring bouts of illness made him feel he was continually living on the brink of eternity .
26 His distrust of the power of critics made him ready to jibe at David Sylvester .
27 They seemed to take that kind of man to make him sergeant in the beginning after the Police Strike .
28 President Carter 's background and philosophy of life made him ill suited to the demands of presidential government .
29 His head was drenched in a moment , but he stayed there until a flash of lightning made him withdraw .
30 A sudden explosion of glass made him jump .
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